s. Precision (number of places after the decimal) can be specified. Note info: This plugin does not work with MDB Slider, which is available in MDB Pro version. Examples for the bootstrap-slider component. If slider marks are defined and step is set to None then the slider will only be able to select values that have been predefined by the marks.Note that the default is step=1, so you must explicitly specify None to get this behavior.marks is a dict where the keys represent the numerical values and the values represent their labels. range: bool: false: make range slider. This is best tutorial video for jquery ui range slider. This range slider use for filtering with minimum and maximum value. The tooltip is disabled and diferent shapes for the handles. noUiSlider is a free and lightweight JavaScript range slider with multi-touch support (iOS, Android, Windows). Included are styles for general appearance, focus state, sizing, and more. Without the need of any JavaScript. The entire code script is shared with you directly via the CodePen editor. Refresh method with optional `options` object. This plugin allows to create more ranges than one. Textual form controlsâlike s,