• This research study was conducted retrospectively from data obtained for clinical purposes. Asking a colleague who is a native English speaker to review your manuscript for clarity. Journal of Social Work Values and Ethics, 101 . You will need to pay an open access charge to publish under an open access licence. • The data reproduced from Article X utilized human tissue that was procured via our Biobank AB, which provides de-identified samples. Upon request authors should be prepared to send relevant documentation or data in order to verify the validity of the results presented. Color art is free of charge for online publication. It is easy to Submit the Manuscript at Edizioni FS publishers. Authors should refrain from misrepresenting research results which could damage the trust in the journal, the professionalism of scientific authorship, and ultimately the entire scientific endeavour. single or double blind peer review) as well as per journal subject discipline. For color in the print version, authors will be expected to make a contribution towards the extra costs. Substantial changes in content, e.g., new results, corrected values, title and authorship, are not allowed without the approval of the Editor. Disclosure of potential conflicts of interest, Research involving Human Participants and/or Animals, Partial financial support was received from [...]. Vector graphics containing fonts must have the fonts embedded in the files. Citation search. New content alerts RSS. http://www.psych.org/edu/other_res/lib_archives/archives/200604.pdf. Suggestions for topics to be covered are invited. Submissions should describe new and effective programs, techniques, or policies. Please note that, in addition to the above requirements, funding information (given that funding is a potential conflict of interest (as mentioned above)) needs to be disclosed upon submission of the manuscript in the peer review system. ... Editorial policies; Browse the list of issues and latest articles from Social Work in Health Care. WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation is an interdisciplinary, international journal which publishes high quality peer-reviewed manuscripts covering the entire scope of the occupation of work. should be placed in a separate section on the title page. Please note that some funders require open access publication as a condition of funding. Research articles and non-research articles (e.g. Original reports of empirically-based evaluation studies on the outcomes of social work practice; 2. Research that may be misapplied to pose a threat to public health or national security should be clearly identified in the manuscript (e.g. Empirical articles should include standard sections, such as Introduction, Methods, Results, and Discussion. Excessive and inappropriate self-citation or coordinated efforts among several authors to collectively self-cite is strongly discouraged. The author will be held responsible for false statements or failure to fulfill the above-mentioned guidelines. J Health Soc Sci is an open access, peer-reviewed journal that considers articles on the relationship between health and sciences.The journal has a special focus on MEDICINE, PUBLIC HEALTH and SOCIAL SCIENCES.. Springer accepts electronic multimedia files (animations, movies, audio, etc.) A collection of figures may also be combined in a PDF file. Refer to the supplementary files as “Online Resource”, e.g., "... as shown in the animation (Online Resource 3)", “... additional data are given in Online Resource 4”. Exact requirements may vary depending on the journal; please refer to the journal’s Instructions for Authors. (assuming there are six or more), but names will not be deleted if more than six have been provided. Health Social Work e-Journals Here are a few titles - use the search box at left to find more: Health & Social Care in the Community. 1995; Kelso and Smith 1998; Medvec et al. Please follow the hyperlink “Submit online” on the right and upload all of your manuscript files following the instructions given on the screen. Employment: Recent (while engaged in the research project), present or anticipated employment by any organization that may gain or lose financially through publication of this manuscript. public health practitioners, GP’s, Community Nurses and Social Care researchers and educators. Upon receipt of accepted manuscripts at Oxford Journals authors will be invited to complete an online copyright licence to publish form. Social Work Today welcomes timely and engaging articles covering the range of issues pertinent to the social work profession including, but not limited to, behavioral health, substance use, children and families, aging, private practice, education, health care, and technology. Patients signed informed consent regarding publishing their data and photographs. Tables should always be cited in text in consecutive numerical order. If address information is provided with the affiliation(s) it will also be published. Exceptions where it is not necessary to obtain consent: • Images such as x rays, laparoscopic images, ultrasound images, brain scans, pathology slides unless there is a concern about identifying information in which case, authors should ensure that consent is obtained. For manuscripts reporting studies involving vulnerable groups where there is the potential for coercion or where consent may not have been fully informed, extra care will be taken by the editor and may be referred to the Springer Nature Research Integrity Group. Please make sure that the names of all authors are present and correctly spelled, and that addresses and affiliations are current. The journal is an interdisciplinary journal dedicated to the study of all aspects of health and health care in which place or location matters. Please note that journals may have individual policies on (sharing) research data in concordance with disciplinary norms and expectations. These instructions will ensure we have everything required so your paper can move through peer review, production and publication smoothly. Australian Social Work is an international peer-reviewed journal reflecting current thinking and trends in social work. Halftones should have a minimum resolution of 300 dpi. Supply all supplementary material in standard file formats. All Journals Social Work in Health Care List of Issues Volume 59, Issue 8 2019 Impact Factor. Men’s and women’s gender role journeys: Metaphor for healing, transition, and transformation. A single study should not be split up into several parts to increase the quantity of submissions and submitted to various journals or to one journal over time (i.e. Clinical Social Work Journal: This journal publishes leading, peer-reviewed original articles relevant to contemporary clinical practice with individuals, couples, families, and groups. • Conceptualization: [full name], …; Methodology: [full name], …; Formal analysis and investigation: [full name], …; Writing - original draft preparation: [full name, …]; Writing - review and editing: [full name], …; Funding acquisition: [full name], …; Resources: [full name], …; Supervision: [full name],…. Please note that changes to authorship cannot be made after acceptance of a manuscript. Sample statements if identifying information about participants is available in the article: Additional informed consent was obtained from all individual participants for whom identifying information is included in this article. In this case please make sure the Corresponding Author is clearly indicated in the manuscript. The list of references should only include works that are cited in the text and that have been published or accepted for publication. Other declarations include Funding, Conflicts of interest/competing interests, Ethics approval, Consent, Data and/or Code availability and Authors’ contribution statements. 122 out of 246 on the Health (Social Science) list. Before submitting your article check the instructions following this section carefully. Journal article Harris, M., Karper, E., Stacks, G., Hoffman, D., DeNiro, R., Cruz, P., et al. Letters to the Editor submissions may be no longer than two pages. Article processing charges (APCs) vary by journal – view the full list. ...). Adding and/or deleting authors at revision stage are generally not permitted, but in some cases it may be warranted. For each supplementary material, please supply a concise caption describing the content of the file. Non-financial interests: Author C is an unpaid member of committee Z. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 87 . Any material received without such evidence will be assumed to originate from the authors. The authors have no financial or proprietary interests in any material discussed in this article. same e-mail (editor@aripd.org) for submission in any ARIPD journal. Should you require copies of this, please contact the editorial office of the journal in question or the Oxford Journals Rights department. Include the captions in the text file of the manuscript, not in the figure file. Guidelines for Contributors. Find out more For information about this journal's policy, please visit our Author Self-Archiving policy page. Acknowledgments of people, grants, funds, etc. Details of the open access licences and open access charges, Online Licensing, Copyright and Permissions policies, be important to social work and relevant to health, contain a clear statement of purpose and a consistent focus, contain a current and appropriate literature review, include relevant medical information, such as etiology, prognosis, and hereditary factors, if disease specific, present complete methodology for a research article, be well organized, with a logical, orderly presentation, support conclusions with data or a logical argument. The authors have no relevant financial or non-financial interests to disclose. Reasons for changes in authorship should be explained in detail. All manuscript pages (including figure-caption list, tables, and References list) should be double-spaced and use generous margins on all sides. Subscribe. Practice Forum offers authors the opportunity to describe practice innovations and action research. Please see the relevant sections in the submission guidelines for further information as well as various examples of wording. To prepare your manuscript in the proper format for submission, view NASW Press Author Guidelines. This may be a correction or retraction. Use tab stops or other commands for indents, not the space bar. This tag will be removed from the citation published in the reference list. If you need help with writing in English you should consider: Please note that the use of a language editing service is not a requirement for publication in this journal and does not imply or guarantee that the article will be selected for peer review or accepted. The Journal will apply an Article Processing Charge (79 EUR incl. Self-identifying citations and references in the article text should be avoided. Health & Social Work, established in 1976, is a professional journal committed to improving social work practice and expanding knowledge in health care. Clinical Social Work Journal publishes open access articles. Health & Social Work offers the option of publishing under either a standard licence or an open access licence. The World Health Organization (WHO) definition of a clinical trial is "any research study that prospectively assigns human participants or groups of humans to one or more health-related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcomes". Authors are strongly advised to ensure the author group, the Corresponding Author, and the order of authors are all correct at submission. To ensure the integrity of the reporting of patient-centered trials, authors must register prospective clinical trials (phase II to IV trials) in suitable publicly available repositories. Non-financial interests: In addition, authors are requested to disclose interests that go beyond financial interests that could impart bias on the work submitted for publication such as professional interests, personal relationships or personal beliefs (amongst others). Open Choice allows you to publish open access in more than 1850 Springer Nature journals, making your research more visible and accessible immediately on publication. The aspect of confidentiality as well as any wishes from the deceased should be respected. The editorial board welcomes manuscripts on all aspects of health th… For each table, please supply a table caption (title) explaining the components of the table. If the figures will be printed in black and white, do not refer to color in the captions. Journal of Addictions & Offender Counseling. Footnotes to the title or the authors of the article are not given reference symbols. Further information is available from the International Cell Line Authentication Committee (ICLAC). CAMH Calls for Papers. No funding was received to assist with the preparation of this manuscript. In B. R. Wainrib (Ed.). The affiliation(s) of the author(s), i.e. Data protection, confidentiality and privacy. Non-financial interests: Author D has served on advisory boards for Company M, Company N and Company O. The above should be summarized in a statement and included on a title page that is separate from the manuscript with a section entitled “Declarations” when submitting a paper. Resource document. The Journal and Publisher assume all authors agreed with the content and that all gave explicit consent to submit and that they obtained consent from the responsible authorities at the institute/organization where the work has been carried out, before the work is submitted. It is written for workers in all areas of the physiological, psychological, social, cultural, and environmental health sciences. Color illustrations should be submitted as RGB (8 bits per channel). In order to meet your funding requirements authors are required to name their funding sources in the manuscript. The primary affiliation for each author should be the institution where the majority of their work was done. For editors and reviewers to accurately assess the work presented in your manuscript you need to ensure the English language is of sufficient quality to be understood. It is possible to collect multiple files in a .zip or .gz file. Interests within the last 3 years of beginning the work (conducting the research and preparing the work for submission) should be reported. Citation search. • 리뷰에 대비하여, 원고의 의미를 명확하게 해주고 리뷰에서 요구하는 문제점들을 식별해서 영문 수준을 향상시켜주는 전문 영문 교정 서비스를 이용합니다. Submit your material in PDF format; .doc or .ppt files are not suitable for long-term viability. Accessed 25 June 2007. The Journal of Social Work is a forum for the publication, dissemination and debate of key ideas and research in social work. The editorial board welcomes manuscripts on all aspects of health that are of professional concern to social workers. When reporting a study that involved human participants, their data or biological material, authors should include a statement that confirms that the study was approved (or granted exemption) by the appropriate institutional and/or national research ethics committee (including the name of the ethics committee) and certify that the study was performed in accordance with the ethical standards as laid down in the 1964 Declaration of Helsinki and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. Approval was granted by the Ethics Committee of University B (Date.../No. Supported file formats: avi, wmv, mp4, mov, m2p, mp2, mpg, mpeg, flv, mxf, mts, m4v, 3gp. If identifying characteristics are altered to protect anonymity, such as in genetic profiles, authors should provide assurance that alterations do not distort meaning. After release of the printed version, the paper can also be cited by issue and page numbers. Examples include creation of harmful consequences of biological agents or toxins, disruption of immunity of vaccines, unusual hazards in the use of chemicals, weaponization of research/technology (amongst others). For large-sized journals the figures should be 84 mm (for double-column text areas), or 174 mm (for single-column text areas) wide and not higher than 234 mm. Journal Social Work in Health Care Submit an article Journal homepage. In absence of specific instructions and in research fields where it is possible to describe discrete efforts, the Publisher recommends authors to include contribution statements in the work that specifies the contribution of every author in order to promote transparency. It is also the author's responsibility to include acknowledgements as stipulated by the particular institutions. Reasons for these changes in authorship should be explained. Click on the “Send manuscript” button and follow the upload procedure. We consider all work for Print or Online publication (including podcasts). The decision on whether to proceed to peer review in such cases is at the Editor's discretion. to learn more. Provide “Funding” as a heading (see template), Provide “Conflicts of interest/Competing interests” as a header (see template). Manuscripts for full-length articles may not exceed 20 pages, including all components. The retraction note should provide transparency which parts of the article are impacted by the error. A consent to publish form can be found. Supplementary Information (SI) will be published as received from the author without any conversion, editing, or reformatting. The AJPH impact factor for 2017 is 4.380. Religious/spiritual commitments and psychiatric practice. Social Sciences (ISSN 2076-0760) is an international, open access journal with rapid peer-review, which publishes works from a wide range of fields, including anthropology, criminology, economics, education, geography, history, law, linguistics, political science, psychology, social policy, social work, sociology and so on. Mention the name of the journal in which you are interested to publish your paper as ARIPD follows central submission policy for all journals i.e. ...). Please include in each file the following information: article title, journal name, author names; affiliation and e-mail address of the corresponding author. Where ethically feasible, Health & Social Work strongly encourages authors to make all data and software code on which the conclusions of the paper rely available to readers. If an appendix appears in your article and it contains one or more figures, continue the consecutive numbering of the main text. The authors did not receive support from any organization for the submitted work. Viewpoint features readers’ comments and opinions on current issues in the profession. This journal is committed to upholding the integrity of the scientific record. Do not use faint lines and/or lettering and check that all lines and lettering within the figures are legible at final size. Health is defined broadly to include both physical and mental health. They should also not contain any figures or tables. This is not meant to imply that a financial relationship with an organization that sponsored the research or compensation received for consultancy work is inappropriate. Declarations include Funding, Conflicts of interest/competing interests, Ethics approval, Consent, Data, Materials and/or Code availability and Authors’ contribution statements. Do not use footnotes or endnotes as a substitute for a reference list. Please use no more than three levels of displayed headings. • This retrospective chart review study involving human participants was in accordance with the ethical standards of the institutional and national research committee and with the 1964 Helsinki Declaration and its later amendments or comparable ethical standards. A separate title page, containing title, all author names, affiliations, and the contact information of the corresponding author. Journal of Religion & Spirituality in Social Work (Social Thought), 95 . However, authors should always check the specific biobank/biorepository policies or any other type of data provider policies (in case of non-bio research) to be sure that this is the case. When preparing your figures, size figures to fit in the column width. Footnotes to tables should be indicated by superscript lower-case letters (or asterisks for significance values and other statistical data) and included beneath the table body. Approval of the change during revision is at the discretion of the Editor-in-Chief. If no conflict exists, this section should state: The author declares that the author has no conflict of interest. Using a professional language editing service where editors will improve the English to ensure that your meaning is clear and identify problems that require your review. Authors should be aware to secure informed consent from the individual (or parent or guardian if the participant is a minor or incapable) See also section on Informed Consent. The Journal and Publisher assume all authors agreed with the content and that all gave explicit consent to submit and that they obtained consent from the responsible authorities at the institute/organization where the work has been carried out, before the work is submitted. Negotiation research spans many disciplines (Thompson 1990). Material preparation, data collection and analysis were performed by [full name], [full name] and [full name]. The XYZ Research Ethics Committee has confirmed that no ethical approval is required. Letters selected by the editor-in-chief may be shortened to fit the available space. You agree to notify OUP immediately if your details change. All manuscripts should be in English. Springer Nature. © 2020 Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Oxford University Press is a department of the University of Oxford. Footnotes can be used to give additional information, which may include the citation of a reference included in the reference list. The trial registration number (TRN), date of registration and the words 'retrospectively registered’ should be included as the last line of the manuscript abstract. Authors are welcome to suggest suitable reviewers and/or request the exclusion of certain individuals when they submit their manuscripts. Please provide 4 to 6 keywords which can be used for indexing purposes. 만약 영작문과 관련하여 도움을 받기를 원하신다면 다음의 사항들을 고려하여 주십시오: • 귀하의 원고의 표현을 명확히 해줄 영어 원어민 동료를 찾아서 리뷰를 의뢰합니다. It offers writers an opportunity to express their opinion on issues that may have an impact on social work or social work clients in health or mental health settings. Use the table function, not spreadsheets, to make tables. Each figure should have a concise caption describing accurately what the figure depicts. Please be aware that some publishers do not grant electronic rights for free and that Springer will not be able to refund any costs that may have occurred to receive these permissions. ‘salami-slicing/publishing’). All manuscripts must contain the following sections under the heading 'Declarations'. The manuscript contains a descriptive caption for each supplementary material, Video files do not contain anything that flashes more than three times per second (so that users prone to seizures caused by such effects are not put at risk). Interests that should be considered and disclosed but are not limited to the following: Funding: Research grants from funding agencies (please give the research funder and the grant number) and/or research support (including salaries, equipment, supplies, reimbursement for attending symposia, and other expenses) by organizations that may gain or lose financially through publication of this manuscript. All authors are requested to include information regarding sources of funding, financial or non-financial interests, study-specific approval by the appropriate ethics committee for research involving humans and/or animals, informed consent if the research involved human participants, and a statement on welfare of animals if the research involved animals (as appropriate). Publisher does not prescribe the kinds of contributions that warrant authorship as well as per journal discipline! 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