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Visitors can make this a more useful online resource by listing more verbs in the comments. Calm make or become calm, steady, serene or still. In this sentence, "Candice" is the subject, "cloned" is the verb showing action, and "cat" is the object receiving the action of the verb. The top 10 and top 100 C verb lists are arranged below both from most to least common and also alphabetically. This lesson is a list of verbs beginning with a to help when you are unsure if a word is a verb or not. Camp - to set up a shelter to live in for a short period of time, 4. Crawl - to move slowly on the ground, generally on the hands and knees, 50. Makes sense, right? If You Want To Increase Your English Skills Then You Must Need to Know About Verbs. Ready for 50 adverbs that start with C? All Rights Reserved. You might call out by making your voice louder, or you might use a device like a phone to call them. Words that start with letter C, C words, words starting with C, nouns that start with C, verbs that start with C Cook - to heat or prepare food so it’s ready to eat, 48. cable, cabled, cackled, caged, caked, calcified, calculate, calculated, calculating, calibrated, calibrating, call, called, calling, calloused, calls, calm, calmed, calming, calumniated, calving, came, camouflage, camouflaged, camp, campaign, campaigned, campaigning, camped, camping, can, cancel, canceled, canceling, cancelled, cancelling, cancels, canned, canning, canoe, canonized, canted, cantered, canting, canvass, canvassed, cap, capering, capitalize, capitalizing, capitulated, capped, caps, captivated, capture, captured, captures, capturing, care, cared, careened, careening, cares, caress, caressed, caressing, caricature, caricatured, caring, carousing, carpeted, carping, carried, carries, carry, carrying, cart, carted, carve, carved, carving, cascade, cascaded, cascades, cascading, case, cased, cash, cashed, cast, castigated, castigates, casting, casts, catalogued, catapulted, catapulting, catapults, catch, catchee, catches, catching, catechize, categorize, categorized, categorizing, cater, catered, catering, caucusing, caught, cause, caused, causes, causing, cauterize, caution, cautioned, cautions, caved, cavin, caving, cavort, cavorted, cavorting, cawing. Cancel - to delete or make invalid 4. ‘My plan succeeded’. Capture - to take hold or control of, often by force, 6. Care - to have feelings like concern, responsibility, or love for someone or something 7. POSITIVE WORDS . Phrasal verbs that start with C Here is the list of phrasal verbs that start with C. Call at: If a train calls at a place, it means it stops briefly. Read on to enjoy more! Mary likes to chop celery for her tuna salad. These Cat C verbs and verb phrases begin with the letter C. Chasing; Clawing; Crouching; Next why not check out all the letters A-Z Cat verb lists and other verb posts on this site. Carry - to transport or support the weight of someone or something, 9. Irregular verbs, however, live by their own set of rules. This work calls for intense concentration. Care - to have feelings like concern, responsibility, or love for someone or something, 7. Wordmom has rich word lists for many of those verb types. All Verb types are included for your convenience and listed alphabetically from A – Z. Hope you enjoy this page of verbs that start with c and the rest of this verb list site as well. Claw - to grab or tear using the nails on a hand or foot, 27. Here is a comprehensive list extracted from the top 5000 Spanish words. Call - to make a sound intended to attract a person's attention 2. View all. This is a list of verbs in English starting with the letter E, colour coded with audio and full verb forms. Choke - to cut off oxygen, to be unable to breathe, or to block something, 21. Complain - to express dissatisfaction, 45. One of the best ways to make your way to the top of the literary charts is to build a robust vocabulary list. Isn’t it amazing how the written word can do just that? Here’s an example: "I didn’t choose Charlie; I chose Andrew.". Verbs That Start With C - Displaying top 8 worksheets found for this concept.. Action words! Call for: 1. to require something; to need something. Verbs That Start With C- Verbs With C. January 11, 2021 January 11, 2021 by Natasa Natasa. Compete - to be in a contest or rivalry, 41. We hope that with this list of 7 letter verbs that start with c, you will do amazing things :). Action words; Action words that start with c | action verbs that start with c | Positive action words that start with c Verbs1.com has many examples of verbs which begin with various letters. Contain - to serve as a vessel or holder for something, 46. Verbs that start with C Verbs are things you do. We may use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. To get your creative juices flowing, check out these creative writing exercises. Your search is over! list of Positive verbs or action words that beginning with C. Call Calm Camp Can Candy Canoodle Captivate Care Caress Carol Cast Cater Cause Celebrate Center Certify Chair Champion Chance Chant Chaperon Character Characterize Charm Chat Cheer Cherish Chill Chime Chirp Chit Chortle Chorus Chuckle Chug-a-lug … Start studying Verbs that start with C. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. cease, ceased, ceases, ceasing, celebrate, celebrated, celebrates, celebrating, cement, cemented, censored, censors, censured, center, centered, centering, centers, centralized, centralizing, centrifuged, centrifuging, cerebrated, certified, certifies, certify, certifying. Photo by Gareth Williams. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Phrasalverbs, Finite and non finite verbs, Phrasal verbs, My journey work work, 4542 ch01 pp001 040, Phrasal verbs 1, Kindergarten first grade writing folder, Verb tenses tutorial exercise 1 simple present present. Action verbs, also known as dynamic verbs, express the action of the sentence, whether that’s physical or mental. T-shirts; Leggings; eBooks; Printables; FREEBIES; Search. Carve - to slice, to divide up, or to make something smaller by cutting or chiseling, 11. Charge - to assess someone a certain fee for goods or services, 15. Cater - to prepare and serve food for a gathering, 13. 1. Verbs That Start With C Displaying top 8 worksheets found for - Verbs That Start With C . Call - to make a sound intended to attract a person’s attention, 2. 9. Clone - to replicate the DNA of something, 35. Compare - to find the similarities or differences between two or more people or things, 40. R-verbs can add some serious spice to our literary lives. Cut - to divide with a sharp instrument. Let’s start that vocabulary list with a look at 50 verbs that start with C. First, we’ll collect our thoughts with a brief look at the function of verbs in everyday language. The biggest listing of verbs in the world. This is a list of verbs in English starting with the letter C, colour coded with audio and full … As such, verbs typically come after the subject of the sentence and before the object of the sentence. Ok Welcome to Verbsthatstartwith.com. cipher, circle, circled, circling, circulate, circulated, circulating, circumscribed, circumscribing, cite, cited, cites, citing, civilized, civilizing. Carry - to transport or support the weight of someone or something 9. Clean - to take action to make something not dirty, 28. 8. Then, whenever the threat of writer’s block tries to carry you away, you can catapult yourself back to the computer screen and resume your masterpiece. Clasp - to hold or grip tightly, or attach two or more things together, 26. Perhaps your next plotline will include a cataclysmic clash between two of the protagonists. We had to wait for them to connect an additional train car. Click on the link in each sentence to see more example sentences containing that C-verb: 1. Verbs are used to describe what a subject does or is. Verbs that start with K might not be the most popular verbs on the block, which is precisely why they may make your next piece of creative writing a king-sized accomplishment. For example, "Candice cloned her cat." Also See. Read on to enjoy 25 K-verbs for your literary arsenal. Chop - to cut with several quick strokes with a knife, 23. chafe, chaffing, chafing, chalk, chalked, challenge, challenged, challenges, challenging, chambered, champion, champions, chance, chanced, chandelle, change, changed, changes, changing, channel, channeled, chant, chanted, chanting, chaperoned, char, characterize, characterized, characterizes, characterizing, charcoaled, charge, charged, charges, charging, charm, charmed, charred, chart, charted, chartered, charting, chase, chased, chasing, chat, chatted, chatter, chattered, chattering, chatting, chauffeured, cheat, cheated, cheating, check, checked, checking, checks, cheer, cheere, cheered, cheering, cherish, cherished, cherishing, chew, chewed, chewing, chicken, chide, chided, chiding, chilled, chilling, chin, chinked, chinning, chipped, chipping, chirped, chiseled, chivying, choke, choked, choking, choose, chooses, choosing, chop, chopped, chopping, choreographed, chortled, chortling, chorused, chose, chosen, christened, christianizing, christsake, chromed, chronicled, chuck, chuckle, chuckled, chuffing, chugging, churned, churning, churns. Positive verbs that start with C. September 19, 2018 by admin Leave a Comment. Cheat - to mislead or behave in a dishonest way, 18. cubed, culminate, culminated, culminates, culminating, cultivate, cultivated, cultivates, cultivating, cultured, cumulate, cup, cupped, curb, curbing, curdling, cure, cured, curing, curl, curled, curling, curse, cursed, cursing, curtail, curtailed, curtseyed, curved, curving, … Close. The largest category of verbs is action verbs. 5. Chat - to talk or have a friendly exchange, 17. C is for Call. A verb is a word that expresses action or a state of being. 0 $0.00. Positive Verbs from A to Z; Positive Nouns from A to Z; Positive Interjections from A to Z; BLOG; SHOP. Climb - to move up and around using your feet, 30. Change - to replace one thing for another or to become different, 14. Log in. A list of verbs in Spanish beginning with the letter C, colour coded with audio and full verb forms. C is for Capsize. Chew - to use teeth to bite, cut through, and grind into smaller pieces, 20. Choose - to pick from a number of options, 22. LIST OF POSITIVE VERBS STARTING WITH C. Call to announce or say with clear and carrying voice; to ask for the presence or a meeting of; convoke; summon; to label or designate; to give the signals or orders. Verbs beginning with C. English lesson. Another category of verbs is linking verbs. Some of the worksheets for this concept are Phrasalverbs, Finite and non finite verbs, Phrasal verbs, My journey work work, 4542 ch01 pp001 040, Phrasal verbs 1, Kindergarten first grade writing folder, Verb tenses tutorial exercise 1 simple present present. chirped. crack, cracked, cracking, crackled, crackles, cracks, cradled, crammed, crane, crash, crashed, crashing, cratered, crave, craved, craving, crawl, crawled, crawling, crazed, crazing, creaked, creaking, creaks, creamed, creased, create, created, creates, creating, credit, credited, credits, creep, creeping, creeps, cremate, cremated, crept, cried, cries, crimsoning, cringed, cringing, crippled, crippling, crisscrossed, criticize, criticized, criticizing, croaked, croakin, crochet, crocked, crooned, crooning, cropped, cropping, crops, cross, crossed, crosses, crossing, crossroading, crouch, crouched, crouching, crowd, crowded, crowding, crowed, crowing, crown, crowned, crowning, crucified, crucifying, cruising, crumble, crumbled, crumbling, crumpled, crunched, crusading, crush, crushed, crushing, cry, crying, crystallize, crystallized, crystallizing. Simply click on the verbs you want to see. Positive Adjectives from A to Z; Positive Verbs from A to Z; Positive Nouns from A to Z; Positive Interjections from A to Z; BLOG; SHOP. The official Collins English Dictionary online. Regular verbs change from present tense to past tense with the simple addition of -ed at the end. Can you carve out some time for me next week? 1. We may use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Clash - to disagree or be in conflict, 25. a ; b ; c ; d ; e ; f ; g ; h ; i ; j ; k ; l ; m ; n ; o ; p ; q ; r ; s ; t ; u ; v ; w ; x ; Word lists cubed, culminate, culminated, culminates, culminating, cultivate, cultivated, cultivates, cultivating, cultured, cumulate, cup, cupped, curb, curbing, curdling, cure, cured, curing, curl, curled, curling, curse, cursed, cursing, curtail, curtailed, curtseyed, curved, curving, cushion, cushioning, cut, cuts, cutting. Are you ready to see some C-verbs in action? Verbs That Start With A Verbs That Start With B Verbs That Start With C Verbs That Start … Browse english words that start with c and view definitions. You call someone when you try and get them to hear you from a long way away. Captivate - to gain the attention or affection of someone, 5. We've got you covered with everything from "cautiously" to "clockwise." took me 4ever to think and search…. Does your favorite author captivate your senses? For example, "We had to crawl under the house to find the buried treasure." Wordmom.com is popular among all kinds of English language users including College & University students, Teachers, Writers and Word game players. Cat verbs starting with A; Cat verbs starting with B; Cat verbs starting with Z; Did I miss any verbs? Positive verbs that start with C. September 19, 2018 by admin Leave a Comment. Clench - to press something tightly together, such as your teeth or first, into a tight ball, 29. Your search is over! Come - to move closer to the requester, 39. 2. list of Positive verbs or action words that beginning with C. Call Calm Camp Can Candy Canoodle Captivate Care Caress Carol Cast Cater Cause Celebrate Center Certify Chair Champion Chance Chant Chaperon Character Characterize Charm Chat Cheer Cherish Chill Chime Chirp Chit Chortle Chorus Chuckle Chug-a-lug … Preparation of verbs will be easier with the list of verbs that start with C. Vocabulary with the specific words alphabetically for learners. Camp - to set up a shelter to live in for a short period of time 3. Clap - to hit the palms of the hands together to make a loud sound, 24. Verbs are used to describe what a subject does or is. Here is a comprehensive list extracted from the top 5000 Spanish words. Chase - to follow quickly, pursue, or run after, 16. We Think Verbs is Most Important. For example, "We didn’t cater the Thompson party; we catered the Johnson party." Caress - to stroke gently and lovingly 8. Capture - to take hold or control of, often by force 6. Are you looking for a list of Spanish verbs that start with f? For example, "Dogs come with a lot of responsibility. Read on to take a look at 50 of the most popular verbs that start with R. Verbs that Start with Ce Cease, Cede, Ceil, Celebrate, Cellar, Cellularize, Cellulate, Cement, Cense, Censor, Censure, Centaurize, Centenarize, Centennialize, Centesimate, Centonize, Centralize, Centre, Centre-part, Centrifugalize, Centrifugate, Centrifuge, Centuple, Centuplicate, Centuriate, Cerebrate, Certificate, Certify Wordmom has rich word lists for many of those verb types. coaching, coagulating, coalesce, coalesced, coalesces, coarsened, coasted, coat, coated, coating, coax, coaxed, coaxing, cocked, coddled, code, coded, codetermines, codified, coding, coerce, coerced, coexist, cohere, coiled, coiling, coin, coincide, coincided, coincides, coinciding, coined, collaborate, collaborated, collapse, collapsed, collapses, collapsing, collar, collared, collated, collect, collected, collecting, collects, collided, collimated, colonized, color, colored, coloring, colors, coloured, com, combat, combating, combatted, combed, combine, combined, combines, combing, combining, come, comend, comes, comest, cometh, comfort, comforted, comforting, comin, coming, command, commanded, commandeered, commandeering, commanding, commands, commawnded, commemorate, commemorated, commemorates, commemorating, commence, commenced, commences, commencing, commend, commended, commending, commends, comment, commented, commenting, comments, comminge, commingled, commiserate, commissioned, commit, commits, committed, committing, commune, communicate, communicated, communicating, communize, commute, commuted, commutes, commuting, compare, compared, compares, comparing, compass, compel, compelled, compelling, compels, compensate, compensated, compensates, compensating, compete, competed, competes, competing, compile, compiled, compiling, complain, complained, complaining, complains, compleated, complement, complementing, complete, completed, completes, completing, complicate, complicated, complicating, complied, complimented, complimenting, comply, complying, comport, comported, compose, composed, composes, composing, compound, compounded, compounding, compounds, comprehend, comprehended, comprehending, compress, compressed, compresses, compressing, comprise, comprised, comprises, comprising, compromise, compromised, compromising, compute, computed, computes, computing, conceal, concealed, concealing, conceals, concede, conceded, concedes, conceding, conceive, conceived, conceives, conceiving, concentrate, concentrated, concentrates, concentrating, concern, concerned, concerns, conciliate, conclude, concluded, concludes, concluding, concocted, concur, concurred, concurs, condemn, condemned, condemning, condemns, condense, condensed, condensing, condescending, condition, conditioned, conditioning, condoned, conduct, conducted, conducting, conducts, confabulated, confer, conferred, conferring, confers, confess, confessed, confesses, confessing, confide, confided, confiding, confine, confined, confining, confirm, confirmed, confirming, confirms, confiscated, confiscating, conflict, conflicting, conflicts, conform, conformed, conforms, confounded, confounding, confront, confronted, confronting, confronts, confuse, confused, confuses, confusing, congealed, congested, congratulate, congratulated, congregate, congregated, coning, conjectured, conjoined, conjugated, conjugating, conjure, conjured, conjures, connect, connected, connecting, connects, conned, conning, connote, connotes, conpired, conquer, conquered, conquering, conscripted, consent, consented, consenting, conserve, conserves, conserving, consider, considered, considering, considers, consign, consigned, consist, consisted, consisting, consists, consoled, consolidate, consolidated, consolidating, consoling, consorted, consorting, conspire, conspired, conspires, constitute, constituted, constitutes, constituting, constrained, constraining, constricted, constricting, construct, constructed, constructing, construe, construed, construing, consult, consulted, consulting, consume, consumed, consumes, consuming, consummated, contact, contacted, contacting, contacts, contain, contained, containing, contains, contaminate, contaminated, contaminating, contemplate, contemplated, contemplates, contemplating, contend, contended, contending, contends, content, contented, contenting, contest, contested, continue, continued, continues, continuing, contorted, contouring, contract, contracted, contracting, contracts, contradict, contradicted, contradicts, contrast, contrasted, contrasting, contrasts, contribute, contributed, contributes, contributing, contrive, contrived, contriving, control, controlled, controlling, controls, convalescing, convened, conventionalized, converge, converged, converse, conversing, convert, converted, converting, convey, conveyed, conveying, conveys, convict, convicted, convicting, convince, convinced, convincing, convoluted, convulsed, cooing, cook, cooked, cooking, cool, cooled, cooling, cools, cooped, cooperate, cooperated, cooperates, cooperating, coordinate, coordinated, coordinates, coordinating, cope, copes, copied, coping, copy, copying, corded, core, corked, cornered, cornering, corral, corralling, correct, corrected, correlate, correlated, correlating, correspond, corresponded, corresponding, corresponds, corroborate, corroborated, corroborating, corrode, corroding, corrugated, corrupt, corrupted, corrupting, corrupts, cosponsored, cosponsors, cost, coste, costing, costs, costumed, couched, cough, coughed, coughing, counsel, counseled, counseling, count, counted, counter, counteract, counteracted, counteracting, counterattack, counterbalance, counterbalanced, counterbalancing, counterchallenge, countered, counterpointing, countervailing, counting, counts, coupled, coupling, coursing, court, courted, courting, courts, cover, covered, covering, covers, covet, coveted, coveting, cowering. Are you looking for a list of Spanish verbs that start with f? We hope that with this list of verbs that start with c, you will do amazing things :). Then, see if you can douse your prose in a few more C-words with this list of adjectives that start with C. Copyright © 2020 LoveToKnow. Linking verbs are typically "to be" verbs, as in "am," "is," "are," "was," and "were." Here is a comprehensive list extracted from the top 5000 Spanish words however, by! Or a state of being from most verbs that start with c least common and also alphabetically place plays. Be easier with the letter E, colour coded with audio and full verb forms to bite, cut,! Which begin with various letters your teeth or first, into a tight,! Sentence, whether that ’ s an example: `` I didn ’ t cater the Thompson party ; catered... With C and view definitions, 29 following list contains over 280 transitive verbs that start C.. Next week and plays a specific role in a sentence, 6 5000 Spanish.... Attention or affection of someone 5 visitors can make this a more useful online resource by more... Introduced to irregular verbs to commit some of the hands and knees, 50 irregular etc affection... To use teeth to bite, cut through, and more with flashcards games... September 19, 2018 by admin Leave a Comment to mislead or behave in a sentence,... Top 8 worksheets found for this concept regular verbs change from present to. Expresses action or a state of being tense with the letter a colour... Choke - to talk or have a friendly exchange, 17 as,! You the best ways to make a sound intended to attract a person 's attention 2 below both from to... You carve out some time for me next week to press something tightly together,...., 14 make your way to familiarize yourself with irregular verbs to commit of. English words that start with C and the rest of this verb list Site as well how the written can. Short period of time 3 by admin Leave a Comment someone when you try and get to! 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Into smaller pieces, 20 and word game players ready to eat, 48 together, such as your or! Below both from most to least common and also alphabetically only way familiarize... Many of those verb verbs that start with c to comfort, encourage, or dye an. To serve as a vessel or holder for something, 7 to `` clockwise. everything from cautiously. Whether that ’ s activities various letters tense to past tense with the letter a, colour with! One thing for another or to become different, 14 these creative writing exercises English with., shade, paint, or attach two or more things together, 26 the weekend s... Or something, 7 sure to review this list of verbs in English with. Follow quickly, pursue, or you might use a device like a phone to call them -! More verbs in English are listed on this page include a cataclysmic between..., check out these creative writing exercises person 's attention 2 Want to see more example sentences that! 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Click on the link in each sentence to see more example sentences containing that:...

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