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arsenicum album kent

arsenicum album kent

The whole bladder will be involved in a short time, but Arsenic will stop that. The ulcer is so putrid that it smells like The patient is at this time going into a state that perhaps cannot be any better described than a gangrenous inflammation; there will be signs to indicate the inflammatory condition, and there will be the smell of the expectoration which you will detect as soon as you open the door. is a sudden inflammation that tends to produce malignancy in the part it belongs to. This teasing cough is attended with anxiety, prostration, restlessness, exhaustion and sweat, and the cough does not seem to do any good. The burning is felt in the stomach; there is burning in the bladder, in stopped by the outward application of powders. Many Homeopaths also refer to this medicine for the c ure of common symptoms of cold, flu & sneezing. faeces, one or both, with haemorrhage from the bowels and bloody urine. You must hunt until you find the remedy that has both states, or you will be disappointed. It has various kinds of hypertrophy beginning in patches that will form scars, and in old ulcerated patches little growth similar to a pterygium growing towards the centre of the eye and threatening blindness. A peculiar feature of the thirst is that there is no thirst during the chill except for hot drinks; during the heat there is thirst little and often for water enough to moisten the mouth, which is almost no thirst, and during the sweat there is thirst for large drinks. You have only hastened the disease a little faster than it would go if textarea:focus { Finally Cholera infantum with great prostration, sinking and cadaveric appearance, great coldness, covered with cold sweat, cold extremities, cold as death; cadaveric, sickly, foul, pungent, penetrating odor in the room from the faeces and urine and even of what is vomited. Alb.) It has delusions and various kinds of insanity; in the more active form, "Fear drives him out of bed, he hides in a closet." Once a patient had been dragging along with periodical sick headaches. The sick headaches are of the worst sort, especially those that come every two weeks. at last he becomes so weak that he is no longer able to move and he lies in perfect quiet in That is what I meant by the alternation of states. on to one idea.". exhaustion and sweat, and the cough does not seem to do any good. When there is blood poisoning going on, as in diphtheria, and exudate Study its relation to asthma and difficult breathing, dyspnoea. cough for several days without doing any good; and then asthmatic symptoms come on, when be Dysentery is likely to come on, with involuntary passages of urine and fasces, one or both, with haemorrhage from the bowels and bloody urine. If you have ever discovered the odor of gangrene, of mortified flesh, you know the odor of the Arsenicum discharges. Chemical symbol: As2O3 Synonyms: Acidum arsenicosum. comes upon the leg, if a leucorrhea comes on, if any discharge is established the patient is There is constriction about the chest a great sense of tightness and "Delirium during sleep, unconscious mania. is increased, the drinking is copious and does not relieve, it seems he cannot get enough In chronic headaches, congestive headaches and malarial complaints, a TENDENCY to SHRIVEL is observed upon the skin; a prematurely old, wrinkled appearance of the skin comes on. They always take cold easily, are always sensitive to cold and the catarrh is always roused up on the slightest provocation. Suppressed menstruation going on for months; amenorrhoea in prostrated, nervous patients, wrinkled, careworn, haggard faces. You will see a similar state running through. Very often ulcers appear on the globe of the eye, often upon the cornea. It seems that prostration takes the place of anxiety and restlessness, and he appears like a cadaver. No matter how you look upon the condition, no matter what it is called, if it is a sudden inflammation that tends to produce malignancy in the part it belongs to Arsenicum. "Rheumatism affecting the heart," etc. Now remember in doing this your patient is not improving, and that you must re-study the whole case, taking the alternating states into account. expectoration, all the discharges are putrid. The headaches come on these cycles, every other, or third, or fourth, seventh or fourteenth day. were in the chest, and it goes on to bleeding and liver-colored expectoration. "Pulse frequent, small, trembling." James Tyler Kent describes the symptoms of the homeopathic medicine Arsenicum Album in great detail and compares it with other homeopathy remedies. fourth day, or every seven days, or every two weeks. Whitish, watery, thin discharges that excoriate; so copious Sneezing and coryza with inflammatory conditions through the whole nasal cavity, throat, larynx and chest. In the bowels we have much trouble; this remedy has all the symptoms of peritonitis; distension of the abdomen, a tympanitic state; cannot be handled or touched, yet he will keep moving because he is so restless, he cannot keep still, but finally he becomes so weak that exhaustion takes the place of restlessness. In chronic sickness with great debility, anaemia, from long exposure to malarial influence, in the poorly fed and from syphilis this remedy is of great service. So we see one stage enters into another; we have to take the whole case together; we have to note the course that the case has run in order to see it clearly and note that in one stage there were certain symptoms and, in another stage, other symptoms. nose and extends into the chest with bronchial troubles; very often you require a change of Late Professor of Materia Medica in Hering College, Chicago. This appearing in cycles is common to a good many remedies, but is especially marked in CHINA and Arsenic. These all mental symptoms of the Arsenicum album shows that patient is mentally restless, anxious, depressive and living his/her life in fear. The scalp pits upon pressure and there is a little crepitation under it excoriates the parts round about. Hering once described him as "the gold-headed cane patient." He. That is what I meant by the alternation of states. The stool is bloody, watery, brown like prune juice, or black and horribly offensive. Whitish, watery, thin discharges that excoriate; so copious sometimes that it will run down the thighs. There is constriction about the chest, a great sense of tightness and wheezing, and he feels he will suffocate. Some LECTURES ON HOMŚOPATHIC MATERIA MEDICA by JAMES TYLER KENT, A.M., M.D. In the bowels we have much trouble; this remedy has all the symptoms This is one form of his anxiety; when tormented with thoughts, he is anxious. Extreme sensitiveness of the stomach is present; he does not want to be touched. similimum. Fax: +30 (24240) 65147 becomes so weak that exhaustion takes the place of restlessness. So marked is this that I have seen the patient sitting in the room with I remember another case, which will illustrate this peculiar nature of alternation of complaints, which is shared by other remedies besides Arsenic. When things are so striking you must examine into it to see what symptoms are more generally of a catarrhal character. The irritable bladder alternated with pain on top of the Traces of arsenic are found in vegetables and animals. Mostly Homeopaths recommend Ars Alb as the precautionary medicine for the corona epidemic situation. It is a substance easily proved because of its active nature, and from its very abuse we have learned much of its general nature. The ANXIETY that is found in Ars. forehead, which are throbbing, worse from light, intensified from motion, often attended This would last for a period and then subside, and back would come his Running all through the remedy there is the BURNING mentioned as one of its most marked generals. Sadness prevails to a great extreme. Therefore, we say a striking feature belonging to this medicine is relief The cough is the early part of it and keeps on as a dry, rasping, harsh So we see one stage enters into another; we have to take the whole case together; we have to note the course that the case has run in order to see it clearly and note that in one stage there were certain symptoms and, in another stage, other symptoms. In connection with this subject you will find. While the sweat some times relieves the fever and pains, yet it is NAT. If he steps out into the cool air, he will commence to cough, if he have Many of his complaints are increased with the sweat; for instance, thirst a warm room. In ARNICA the mental symptoms alternate with uterine symptoms. Dysentery is likely to come on, with involuntary passages of urine and This goes on to a catarrhal fever of two or three days duration, and then the thick discharge starts up again and he feels better; all his pains and aches disappear. But you examine your record and you find where - you have made a foolish Arsenicum cured that man, and he never had any of them afterwards. anxiety, and you can most always in a general way pick out the Arsenic case. He is always chilly and suffers from drafts, and is worse in cold, damp weather; always freezing, chilled through. Most of the headaches are attended with nausea and vomiting. ulceration keeps spreading round about the opening, no tendency to heal. From the time of Hahnemann to the present day Arsenicum has been one of the most frequently indicated medicines, and one of the most extensively used. In some of The leucorrhoeal discharge excoriates the parts, causing itching and burning with great suffering. All night the itching and burning alternate, burning for a minute, when he scratches it until it is raw, but soon the itching begins J again and it seems that he has no rest. in the extremities, and during the chill there is a great head congestion with purple ***40- Ansiedad en el epigastrio, estómago, de noche al levantarse. is a solution prepared by diluting aqueous arsenic trioxide generally until there is little amounts of Arsenic remaining in individual doses. It feels as if coals of fire were in the lungs at times, when gangrenous inflammation is threatened, and in certain stages of pneumonia. cannot walk, he cannot go upstairs, he can hardly move without increasing the palpitation; swelling, burning that extends up into the vagina, with great dryness and itching of the Suppressed menstruation going on for months; amenorrhoea in prostrated, nervous patients, wrinkled, careworn, haggard faces. At times the head is in constant motion when there are complaints in the The Be sure, when a remedy presents one state, that it is as clearly indicated in the other state, otherwise that remedy is not the simillimum. There are headaches in the forehead, which are throbbing, worse from light, intensified from motion, often attended with great restlessness, forcing him to move, with great anxiety. Arsenicum album is a homeopathic remedy derived from the metallic element arsenic. The There are discharges from the eyes. clothing piled on to keep the body warm and with the window open to relieve the congestion Great crusts form in the back of the nose. The alternation of states sometimes means that there are two diseases in The heart symptoms are troublesome to manage when they get to be like Arsenic; the symptoms correspond to a state of great weakness, great palpitation, palpitation from the least exertion or excitement, great anxiety, anguish, weakness; he cannot walk, he cannot go upstairs, he can hardly move without increasing the palpitation; every excitement brings on palpitation. This is keynote practice and is to be condemned when there are other wheezing, and he feels he will suffocate. It becomes one of the palliatives. It has a striking feature of thirst. The rectum and anus burn, smarting all about the anus. Arsenicum in these swellings is especially related to the lower eyelid rather than the upper, while in KALI CARB. open air. The mucous membrane is easily inflamed, producing patches of red and ulcers that bleed easily. Such ulcerations as follow the opening of a bubo in the inguinal region where there is no tendency to heal. This is a condition of the rectum, a relaxation of the rectum, great I went to the bedside of a typhoid patient once with all the general aspect I have described; he was able to talk, and he looked up at me and said: "There is no use of your coming, I am going to die; you might as well go home; my whole insides are mortifying." It has been of great service in epithelioma of nose and lips. anxious. The face is waxy and pale, presenting the appearance of a broken down constitution or a dropsical condition. restlessness. Haemorrhage of black blood and discharges that are offensive. Extreme anxiety in the evening in bed. scanty, slimy, black, fluid, inky stools with cadaveric smell, great prostration, them may take on violent and rapid inflammation. Informaţiile din proving-uri şi cazuri clinice se întind pe sute de pagini într-o multitudine de simptome greu de memorat dar au existat homeopaţi, începând cu J.T.Kent… Angina pectoris. recovery. cavity, throat, larynx and chest. The restlessness seems to be mostly in the mind; it is an anxious state of gangrene. There are times when KALI CARB. In the HEADACHES we have a striking general feature of Arsenicum, brought out in their periodicity. ulcerations. The persons are very hard to please. Great mental depression, great sadness, melancholy, despair, despair of recovery. border-color: #. During the fever he "He thinks he must die." It is a difficult thing to say which one of these two circumstances is most general, and it is sometimes difficult to say which one is the general of the patient himself, because he confuses you by saying: "I am worse in the cold," but when his headache is on he says: "I am better in the cold, I want to be in the cold." sku: ars. But when it comes to cases of congestive conditions of the head, he then enough to moisten the mouth, which is almost no thirst, and during the sweat there is thirst Gastritis - where vomiting is the main symptom. Great mental depression, great sadness, melancholy, despair, despair of has dread of death when alone, or on going to bed, with anxiety and restlessness. Burning, stinging pains have entirely disappeared, in incurable cases, of course It becomes one of the palliatives. chilly and freezing except when the headache is on, and it is better from cold; the face This medicine is full of diarrhoea and dysenteric symptoms; in these conditions there will be the pallor, the anxiety, the cadaveric aspect and the cadaveric odors. constitution or a dropsical condition. That was all he wanted; his mouth was black, parched and dry. Home - Arsenicum album - By Kent Arsenicum album ars From the time of Hahnemann to the present day Arsenicum has been one of the most frequently indicated medicines, and one of … be taken into account. Arsenicum has in its nature. bloody discharge, increasing to thick, acrid discharge that excoriates the eye, making the We shall find when we take up the remedy and go through it in a more particular way these features will stand out everywhere. Its clear-cut characteristic symptoms and correspondence to many severe types of disease make its homeopathic … Great crusts form in the back of the nose. The burning is better from washing in cool water and also better from dry heat. "Whimpering and gnashing teeth." eyes, are better from heat. His friend was seated on one side of the bed, giving him a few drops of water, and just about as often as he could get there with it he wanted it again. It is the remedy for catarrhal complaints of the nose and other places in has been exhaustively described in every Materia Medica since. state of anxiety of the patient and the pain is so violent and the suffering so intense, the It has so many little symptoms that are so common to these complaints that if you do not look out and are not warned you will be likely to give your patient Arsenic, suppress some of the symptoms, changing the aspect of the case so that you cannot find a remedy for it and yet not cure the case with Arsenic. restlessness, or an anguish, with the idea that anguish is a deathly anxiety. the trachea with burning, worse from coughing, and then comes constriction of the chest, A sudden anxious fear comes over him at night; he jumps out of bed with fear that he is going to die, or that he is going to suffocate. the details of symptoms and leave these general features out you will be likely to be able In the male and female sexual organs there are many symptoms of importance. Religious insanity, with the delusion that she has sinned away her even of what is vomited. windows open, wants to be sponged with cold water, and wants ice cold drinks then he must In the delirium he sees all kinds of vermin on his bed. Now, when these external troubles go there is an anaemic state established in the economy, the patient becomes waxy and pallid, sickly looking, and these catarrhal discharges come on as a means of relief because of the suppression of some other condition. in their alternations and marked as such. Put these things together and the prostration that occurs with the awful anxiety, and you can most always in a general way pick out the Arsenic case. desire he has for water. erysipelatous inflammation of the face and head. offensive. Arsenicum Album. The face is waxy and pale, presenting the appearance of a broken down If this is carried out in a woman who is sick in bed she is in great distress if every picture on the wall does not hang perfectly straight. the itching ceases; as soon as the smarting lets up a trifle the itching commences again. Look and see if the patient wants to be covered warmly; if he is easily chilled, and heat feels good; then it is a hard thing to cover that case outside of Arsenicum. In chronic headaches, congestive headaches and malarial complaints, a, Arsenicum is the remedy for old, chronic catarrhal troubles of the nose where the nose bleeds easily, and he is always sneezing and taking cold, always chilly and pallid, tired, restless, full of anxiety in the night and has troublesome dreams. They come on after midnight, from excitement, from exertion; they Arsenic has all the violence of the chill that you can find in any remedy, with excitement, headache, prostration, dry mouth, desire for hot drinks and to be covered up warmly, with all the anxious restlessness and prostration that you can find in any medicine; but the time of the Arsenic case is an important thing. It has afternoon chill and after midnight chill, sometimes in the morning, sometimes at 3 or 4 p.m., sometimes at 1 p.m. The edges have been removed by ulceration, and now the surface has During the fever the thirst increases because he has dry mouth, and he The doctor thinks he has done a clever thing in stopping such discharges, but he has only succeeded in damming up the secretions which are really a relief to the patient. Kent lectures - link When this is not a state of the heart itself then Arsenic becomes a wonderful remedy; that is, it is capable of cure. thread-like, patient pale and cold, covered with sweat, pulse very feeble. In. of the mouth; he desires only to moisten the mouth until he breaks out in a sweat, and then At first there is that anxious restlessness with fear, but the increasing weakness tends towards prostration. Arsenicum is full of puffiness and dropsy; ïedematous condition of the extremities; dropsy of the shut sacs or of the cavities; swelling about the eyes; swelling of the face, so that it pits upon pressure. The chill is attended with great aching in the bones, likely to commence in the extremities, and during the chill there is a great head congestion with purple fingers and toes. expectoration is horribly offensive, so much so that you soon get the idea that there is a The disease a little faster than it would go if let alone always freezing chilled. 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