672). Photophobia (p. Swelling (p. 1140). Fluids (p. 1134). Dr. Knerr spent 5 years writing his 2-volume Repertory to the Guiding Symptoms, which was published in 1896. Some shine with more brilliancy than others, all reflect the light of wisdom by which we are guided in healing the sick” – Calvin B. Knerr. Seasickness (p. Key = 'Key1 OR Key2' So 1 page is added. ■ Number of remedies with cross-reference. Thus the order of arrangement of chapters is in Hahnemannian schema. Fauces Under Female Sexual Organs, I Diarrhoea frequently before and during menses. Knerr: page 542, Stool and Rectum, Diarhoea, menses, before, Bov; before and during, Bov; during, Bov Page 657, Female Sexual Organs, Before menses, diarrhoea, I Bov, page 660, Female Sexual Organs, During menses, diarrhoea, I Bov HGS: Graphites, under Female Sexual Organs, I During menses, catarrhal fever, under Fever no symptom related to menses is given. Knerr: page 661, Female Sexual Organs, During menses, fever, Acon, Bell, Gels, Graph, Helon, Kali bi, Natr.m, Phos, Rhod, Sep, Sul. the guiding symptoms of our materia medica by constantine hering, md (1800-1880, us) The Homoeopathic Materia Medica came of age only when Dr. Hering published his work. SEXUAL ORGANS. Vertigo, in bed Vertigo, as if in earthquake II Fluor. So it is better to become thorough with the various rubrics in individual chapters to locate mental concomitants. Also note that apart from these mental concomitants, many are available under the regular physical lists also. Weather (p. 1076). For example in the chapter female sexual organs we find the rubric menses. Before Cough (p. AND RECTUM. Chapter 31 : NECK Supraorbital repertory of the homoeopathic materia medica homeopathy Oct 03, 2020 Posted By Stephenie Meyer Media Publishing TEXT ID b555c79c Online PDF Ebook Epub Library materia medica full book in pdf epub and mobi format get it for read on your kindle device pc phones or tablets clinical repertory and therapeutic index of homoeopathic (p. 1072). ), II Sil Page no: 313, Lower Face, Lower jaw, submaxillary glands, engorged, I Merc. Pancreas (p. 482). and Disposition (p. 17). Taste (p. 335). Catalepsy (p. (p. 781). (p. 600). Apart from this section next highest is TISSUE chapter (41 rubrics) followed by the EYE section (30 rubrics). MIND AND DISPOSITION chapter has many pages (87 pages). (p. 159). page 17, Agony Anguish iii. Chapter 9 : LOWER disponibili in lingua inglese. 1028). Vomiturio (p. Muscles (p. 1137). SPECIAL FEATURES: 1) Mental condition given in all particular sections. 2) Pregnancy, Parturition, Infants chapter is well represented and found nowhere in other repertories. * K * L The sub rubrics are given in the same words as expressed by the provers or the patients. Clitoris (p. 638). know more about me and my research on my blog https://www.homeoresearch.com/about-me/, Please mention the subject of your problem, Your Mobile number whatsapp - Not visible for public, safe to add, Your address - Not visible for public, safe to add, KENT’S REPERTORIUM GENERALE-Jost Kunzli Von Fimmelsberg, Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Crohn’s Disease, Top 7 Homeopathic Medicines for Claustrophobia, Top 4 Homeopathic Medicines for Chalazion treatment, Top 6 Homeopathic Medicines for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Bell’s Palsy Homeopathic Medicines -Top 6 for quick recovery, Homeopathic Migraine Prevention - Homeoresearch.com, Gelsemium headache Homeopathy - Homeoresearch.com, Gelsemium sempervirens Mild and Nervous Patients, Pulsatilla headache Homeopathy - Homeoresearch.com, Urethral Stricture Homeopathic Remedies and Treatment, Rhus tox 200 Side effects and Uses In Homeopathy, Dr.Devendra Kumar Munta MD Homeo, International Homeopathic Consultant, Homeopathic Graphites Benefits or Uses for Eczema and Side effects, Homeopathic antibiotics for tooth infection. RELATIONSHIP. (p. 86). review on guiding symptoms of our materia medica by hering. Appetite A repertory of Hering's guiding symptoms of our materia medica. BY Treatment results are given within brackets. Lower Jaw (p. 310). Starting (p. 1034). CONTENTS (Chapter). 1038). Limbs (p. 992). Repertory of HERING'S GUIDING SYMPTOMS of our Materia Medica Part 2 eBook: Knerr, Calvin B. : Amazon.com.au: Kindle Store Mental generals B. Disadvantages 1) Difficult to search the sub sub rubrics. 2) Not easily comprehensible for the beginners. 3) Finer rubrics and sub rubrics very difficult to distinguish each other especially in Sensorium chapter. 4) Same rubric is repeated or found with similar meaning, but seen with different drugs. 5) Nosodes are not represented well. 6) Lack of detailed introduction part by the author regarding how to use the repertory. Possibly a wrong modality in Knerr repertory. Whooping Cough Fundus (p. 195). Page no: 1007, Sensation Chapter 43, i.e., Sensation in general chapter. Ureters (p. 590). guiding 2 / 32 symptoms of our materia medica by c hering page. Brows (See Bradford). Py�mia (p. 1138). Tongue (p. 340). TOTALITY OF SYMPTOMS: If the totality of the case fits into the following order, Knerr’s repertory will be useful. 1.Temperament and stages of life and constitution. 2.Mind and disposition with described symptoms/concomitants. 3.Physical generals (appetite, aversion, perspiration, etc). 4.Complaints with special features. Excretions (p. (1940) 4)Sunstroke and Its Homeopathic Treatment. m. 0,001-0,006 and ozonized water. Davis Co. for the Estate of Constantine Hering, 1896 (OCoLC)809468992: Document Type: Book: All Authors / Contributors: Calvin B Knerr; Constantine Hering; National Center for Homoeopathy (U.S.),; American Foundation for Homoeopathy, Chapter 33 : LOWER For example: aversion to amusement – Ignatia; aversion to her children – Platina; aversion in women to opposite sex – Raphanus, not seen in Kent. Knerr’s repertory is mainly based on concomitant symptoms. 10) It is repertory of cured symptoms. 11) This repertory is supplemented by complete index of locality and terms. 12) Knerr’s repertory can be used as clinical repertory where pathological and diagnostic names are given to the fullest. 13)Although it mixes pathogenic and clinical data, it contains several rubrics that cannot be found anywhere else. 14) The reliability of the symptoms and the remedies is doubly ensured by repeated verification, observations and confirmations. 15) In comparison to Kent’s repertory, rubric placing is more appropriate in Knerr’s repertory. 16) Errors in converting the patient’s symptoms into rubrics can be avoided by using this repertory. 17) Today this repertory is acts as a guide for further work on repertory36. 18) We have a Materia Medica to fall back on, when the repertory gives only confusing data. In both Kent and Boenninghausen, symptoms are split in many ways to suit the structure of the repertory. 324). Hemicrania (p. 164). Constitution, stages of life, temperament C. Causation D. Side affinity, general modality, sensation in general E. Appetite, desire, aversion, thirst, sleep, etc F. Particulars – concomitant – complete symptom. (p. 1122). * O * P IN CHAPTERS: ATTACKS, PERIODICITY and SENSATIONS IN GENERAL chapters have only one main rubric. MIND AND DISPOSITION chapter has many rubrics (553 rubrics). All modalities are placed to the related function. Vertex (p. 155). First the upper parts, then the lower. 447). Chapter 42 : LOCALITY Arms Page no: 616, Masturbation Seminal emissions. i. Cross-reference is given to different chapters also. 1086). Organs. Cross reference given even in sub sub rubrics also. (p. 852). Falling (p. 84). Urethra (p. 590). 1192). (p. 772). Brain (p. 93). Read more here. tox and Eup. ; rocks with him as in a ship at night, Bar. Page no: 341, Taste and Tongue, Tongue, burning, stinging (Apis 30 relieved), VespaFew guidelines are given by author for administering the remedy. For example after ‘business’ comes ‘dates’, then ‘do’, and so on. Even in these sub rubrics, further extensions or variations also follow this alphabetical arrangement. Touch (p. 1151). During Stool (p. press of. Lips (p. 304). Diaphragm Hering did not complete the work himself - he died while proof-reading Cainca, in volume three - and some inaccuracies have been remarked on by Kent himself. Decomposition (p. 1074). Puerperal (p. COVID-19 Update. (Modalities, concomitants, directions, etc) 5. Abortion Vitreous (p. 231). Before that, the works on Materia Medica were collections of innumerable symptoms from provings and poisonings; not applied Materia Medica as Hering's Guiding Symptoms is. * Q * R A Repertory Of Hering'S Guiding Symptoms Of Our Materia Medica 1897 by Calvin B. Knerr. the guiding symptoms of AND DRINKING. Philadelphia : Published by the F.A. Thus the word concordance is analogous to the word repertory. A repertory of Hering's guiding symptoms of our materia medica This edition published in 1896 by F.A. Chapter 8 : UPPER T.K Uses Of Lesser Known Or Used Repertories, National Journal Of Homoeopathy, Nov-Dec’97. 120). Apart from this section next highest is INNER HEAD chapter (67 pages) followed by the EYE section (62 pages). LOCALITY AND DIRECTION chapter is smallest chapter with one page. MIND AND DISPOSITION chapter is well represented with many rubrics and many pages followed by the EYE section, which is the next well-represented chapter. hearing (p. 244). Elbows (p. 903). (p. 819). Uvula (p. 391). (p. 862). (p. 976). Such observations from the Old School or the New as are worthy of our consideration. 1007). ph. This repertory is a faithful reproduction of the guiding symptoms, its contents classified and indexed. Joints (p. 582). REPERTORY OF HERING'S GUIDING SYMPTOMS OF OUR MATERIA MEDICA by KNERR CB and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at AbeBooks.com. AND STOMACH. Pleura (p. 815). Forehead (p. 741). 1138). (p. 534). OF OUR . Apoplexy Spermatic Cords 1027). E.g. First the parts, then the whole body. * I * J Here some drugs like Coccus, Kali bi are missing in During menses fever rubric. II. Mastoid process (p. 520). Presented In repertory, rubrics related to Temperament and Diathesis are found throughout the sections related with generals. Repertory of Hering's Guiding symptoms of our materia medica. Chapter 10 : TEETH GUIDING SYMPTOMS . 739). 517). 925). Abdomen Hypochondria The Guiding Symptoms Of Our Materia Medica Vol 3 Homeopathy Hering S Guiding Symptoms English Edition By Constantine Hering x hering for sale parts for tractors. of First the upper parts, then the lower. IN DRUG RELATIONSHIP: Every drug is arranged alphabetically. Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC, android, iOS devices. This organ wise classification follows an, ‘above downward’, ‘from inside outward’, ‘functional symptom first then organic conditions.’ First the parts then the whole body. by. THE ARRANGEMENT IN GUIDING SYMPTOMS OF OUR MATERIA MEDICA: I. Sweat (p. 1110). But this separation and generalization spoil the use of ‘uncontaminated’ exact words of the prover. They are: Aurum mur natronatrum Iodoform Uva ursi Vaccinum and Variolinum given in this chapter but has no observation under it. Find books (p. 1150). Rest (p. 1006). There are different types of cross references but actually cross reference with drugs and without drugs, cross reference given within the chapter and to other chapters are the major types. Chapter 12 : INNER Drowsiness (p. REPERTORY OF HERING'S GUIDING SYMPTOMS OF OUR MATERIA MEDICA by KNERR CB and a great selection of related books, art and collectibles available now at AbeBooks.com. Cross-reference is given in main heading itself. E.g. The Greek “ pi “ stands before symptoms observed only on the sick. Throat (p. 371). Dr. Phatak has given Phos acid as the only medicine for cervical spondylitis. Mucous Membranes (p. Excitement (p. 671). (p. 533). They are: Ars sulf rubrum Plantago majorDrugs not in drug abbreviation but found in this chapter are 3 drugs. He died on September 30, 1940. To quote Pearson again, “Dr. Chapter 39 : TEMPERATURE (p. 100). Coccyx (p. 861). �sophagus (p. Sexual Author(s): Knerr, Calvin B. Shoulders (p. PERIODICITY. Pregnancy (p. Paralysis (p. August 21, 2020: Biblio is open and shipping orders. Eruption Repertory of HERING'S GUIDING SYMPTOMS of our Materia Medica Part 1 eBook: Knerr, Calvin B. : Amazon.co.uk: Kindle Store (p. 421). Voice (p. 715). ... Home Gyan Books A Repertory Of Hering'S Guiding Symptoms Of Our Materia… A Repertory Of Hering'S Guiding Symptoms Of Our Materia Medica 1897. Bones (p. 1129). (p. 1152). Trachea (p. 713). (p. 392). Dizziness (p. 83). PASSIVE MOTION. So 1 page is deducted. • Starts in page 744 but it’s continuation is in previous page. IN GENERAL. Mouth – Symptoms observed in sick only. Before Urination Knerr repertory is also that kind, based on Hahnemann alphabetical scheme, and based on Hering’s Guiding Symptoms Of our Materia Medica. mur. Page no: 1037, Chapter 36, Nerves, Twitching, Atrop. Chapter 28 : INNER 625). vakihusexe. Heart (p. 824). Probably it’s an error. 1) Intensity is changed in certain symptoms. HGS: page 20, Acalypha indica: I Cough with bloody expectoration Knerr: page 773, Cough and expectoration, Expectoration, bloody: Acal. HGS: page 520, Argentum nitricum, II Desire for strong cheese Knerr: page 396, Appetite, Thirst, Desire, Aversion., Desire, cheese: Arg nit. HGS: page 382, Antimoniam tartaricum, I Desire for acids or fruits. Knerr: page 396, Appetite, Thirst, Desire, Aversion, Desire,acids:Ant t HGS: Aconitum Napellus, II Vertigo after fright. Knerr: page 88, Sensorium, Vertigo, from fright: I Acon 2) Certain drugs not represented in Knerr but found in HGS. Position (p. 1004). For e.g. (p. 195). Nerves (p. Scrotum (p. 626). Palpitation (p. Repertory of HERING'S GUIDING SYMPTOMS of our Materia Medica By Calvin B. Knerr, M. D. Preface * Abbreviations. As Boenninghausen’s work is based on generation such separation is unavoidable, and necessary. Period (p. 637). The last chapter, 48th chapter, is on Drug Relationships. The basic difference of this index or repertory from that of Allen’s Symptom Register is that it contains symptoms and remedies which have had not only provings and toxicological pathogenesis, but had also clinical provings and confirmations. In cases with following symptoms can be dealt with this. It contains mental symptoms, physical symptoms, particulars, concomitants, clinical symptoms, toxicological symptoms, etc. According to Webster’s dictionary the word ‘concordance’ means the following: 1) Agreement; harmony. 2) An alphabetical list of the important words of a book or author with references to the passages in which they occur. Dr. Elizabeth Wright says, “As no person can carry the symptoms of all the remedies in his mind; a concordance or index is needed. 766). Repertory of Hering's Guiding Symptoms, Calvin B. Knerr, buy now, Books of homeopathy-Repertories-Special, with Excerpt Homeopathy and natural medicine Order hotline 339-368-6613 (p. 1071). Chapter 4 – outer head has 9 sections, as – Dandruff, eruptions, fontanelles, forehead, hair, head, scalp, skull and tumor. There Hering and his students treated over 50,000 patients a year and trained a total of 3500 homeopaths. Drug relationships are given within brackets. Vertigo (p. 86). E.g. Sycosis (p. 632). E.g. Page no: 280, Upper Face, Face, cancer, lupus, began on right earlobe, healing one side, corroding the other, advancing downward and leaving irregular cicatrix (after Bell. Chapter 20 : STOOL Falling Asleep HEAD. (p. 471). Ac., II Acon, Alet, Aloe, I Ant. Publication date 1897 Topics Homeopathy, Materia Medica Publisher in Pregnancy, Parturition, Lactation chapter. then entered the office of Dr. Constantine Hering as his assistant. Chapter 15 : EATING Ulcers (p. 1143). This repertory to Hering’s Materia Medica never saw widespread use. But Knerr has given separately in index of drugs. 2) Drugs found in Hering Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica but not given in index of Knerr repertory:a) Aurum mur natronatrum – Aur mur natb) Iodoform – Iodofc) Uva ursi – Uva ursi. 697). (p. 317). Accommodation Repertory of Hering's guiding symptoms of our materia medica.. [Calvin B Knerr; C Hering] Home. ii. Eustachian tubes Scapul� (p. 882). Spleen (p. 482). One of the best reference books written by Dr Constantine Hering with his vast experience and practical knowledge in the field. Uterus (p. 672). But these drugs are found inside repertory proper. 1) Thuja is given as Thuja in Hering Guiding Symptoms of our Materia Medica but in repertory it is given as Thuya. 219). Before Stool (p. Tendo-Achillis Metamorphosis 631). Degeneration Trending. (Knerr p. 667). 8) Tissue chapter gives the regional and remedy affinities to it. 9) Touch, passive motion, injuries chapter is also well-represented chapter and found nowhere else. 10) Percussion sounds given in lung are very useful for objective prescription where there is lack of subjective symptoms. 11) It is source for many other repertories. 12) It is the only one where Materia Medica is in the form of repertory with gradation. 13) Though the drugs mentioned are very less, yet we get the chance of choosing different drugs of similimum, which are very authenticated other than polychrests also. Under this various types of menses, color differences, quantity, duration etc are given. 1135). Headache (p. Occupation (p. Vertigo, from vexation: Calc Vertigo, in bed: I Carb veg., I Con., in old people suffering with eruptions, Con; as if feet were going up, I Phos ac. Staggering (p. Worms (p. 581). Guiding symptoms of our materia medica ”is a monumental work of ten volume by Dr. Constantine Hering. Night (p. 1072). (p. 1135). Ligaments (p. E.g. Then you can start reading Kindle books on your smartphone, tablet, or computer - no Kindle device required. Get this from a library! Hering did not complete the work himself – he died while proof-reading Cainca, in volume three – and some inaccuracies have been remarked on … A repertory to Hering’s guiding symptoms our materia medica April 26, 2013 admin Homoeopathy Books 0 Book review + Comparison with other repertiries by Dr Sanil Kumar Are: Aurum mur natronatrum Iodoform Uva ursi Vaccinum and Variolinum in... 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