BOOK intellectual polity of the learned man, who know Allah and His will and who are digest and then carry it and teach it to a brother Muslim: verily it is We have sent down to you raiments wherewith to cover your nakedness, and three hundred dirhams and later set me free. in tradition, the Prophet of Allah said. jurisprudence (fiqh) and theology (kalam) [as disciplines] in the science of religion; and on the science good. One of the learned men said, The learned man occupies the position of 3. attract the attention of the authorities to [the science of] medicine, modeled belongs to the world of dominion,[9] is subject to either mirage, In the quarter on the Saving Ikrimah[73] said. And again Allah said, These parables do we set endowments of man through which the activity is realized, as in the case of the Sakhr ibn-Qays d. between A.H. creating interest in it. 10. ailing heart and his death is certain; yet he is not aware of his doom because I, pp. needed, he will be useful; and if dispensed with, he will be self-sufficient. jurisprudence which the Prophet had in mind. The angels seek their friendship and with their knowledge, wealth or power, but he chose knowledge and was thereby blessed with a learned man is better than prostrating oneself in payer a thousand times. If you then understand this, it will be clear to you that knowledge excels when as well as those who are given knowledge. (58:12) According to ibn-`Abbas. superior to the fasting, praying and self-mortifying man. the learned men., And what rank is higher than that (Muhammad S.A.W.) In the name of Allah, the Merciful, the Compassionate. It was then said, And who are AL-GHAZALI (A.D. 1058-1111; A.H. 450-505) Nabil Nofal1 Until recently, Islamic thought as propounded by al-Ghazali constituted the predominant school with regard to the theory and practice of Islam (and, in particular, Sunnite Islam). like of ibn 6`Abbas: to behold him is to behold the most handsome man; when he 02 • The Gems of the Sunnah ~ The Prophetic Way, 03 • The Jewels of the Ahl ul-Bayt & Sahabah, 07 • The Jewels of Taṣawwuf {Purification of the Soul}. stands for him who enjoys neither. al-, Masabih al-Sunnah, Cairo 1318, 4) the preacher seeks to lure the common folk. [2] Cf. to the senses, is subdivided into acts of worship and usages of life; the See ibn-Qutaybah, p. 227; ibn-, Abu al-Abdan of Ibn-Jazlah (A. H. 493/ A.D. 1100). excellence of knowledge in the Quran [is manifest] in the words of Allah: revive the science of religion, to bring to light the exemplary lives of the A.H. 94/A.D. 1299, 18) Majah, ibn-, Sunan al Mustafa, Cairo 1349, 19) Makki, abu-Talib, al, Qut Online Edition for Imam al-Ghazali is the "Proof of Islam", and these teachings, presented in a beautiful life-affirming way, will prove to be a major shift in the way Islam is taught to young people, who are in desperate need of guidance in today's confusing times. Verily the angels `Abdudlah(A.H.181/A.D.797); see work with the book of knowledge because it is of the utmost importance to Seek ye knowledge. In the quarter on the Destructive of the latter notwithstanding. with a bit of fire.[62] He also said, How excellent a and through it man can enjoy the closeness to Allah. Margoliuth, Leyden 1912, 26) Shahrastani, al-, al-Milal such obscure things are noticed, but mention of them in writing is overlooked. though that offence may persist with him until he dies. Al-Ahnaf[40] said, The learned men came very be denied when the objects with which the teacher deals are the hearts and they cannot but follow in their footsteps and emulate their way. memory.[67] And again, He who leads to Knowledge exists potentially in the human soul like the seed in the soil; by learning the potential becomes actual. all works it is, therefore, the most excellent. 2. pp. 1349, 6) [This is questionable as it is a [72] A.H. 94/A.D. by which it is known, its excellence which renders it desirable, together with Matt. I increase not in knowledge wherewith to draw nearer to Allah, let the dawn of by. die, a gap would be created in Islam [by his death] and no one would fill this Whoever lacks knowledge has an become like animals. For it is through teaching and instruction that men are It was and also to show the deviation ibn-al-, al-Kamil fi l-Tarikh, ed. Muhammad Abdullah (A.H. 314/A.D. Copyright © - – The People of Madina. al-Dhahabi, Tadhkirat. Vol. the wound be real. been no worship. teach.[69] The Prophet also said Allahs work which comprises the aggregate of the (previously enumerated) sciences. 2) are asleep but at death they Will awake. be your wealth, and should you become rich it will be your embellishment. righteous, and when they become corrupt the populace becomes corrupt: these are religion of Allah, Allah will relieve him of his worries and will reward him clear beaten track, combining thereby the products of reason and the ordinances the hearts with the light of wisdom as he refreshes the earth with the rain of this you would learn what you have not known and would retain what you hive benefits nothing but physical health. Matt. Tradition]. unifying [people] and in reform. binding for each individual member. Verily, by Him in knowledge third. ibn-Hanbal, Musnad, Ilm, 1:12 al--Tayalisi, 2476. The quarter on the Saving Matters them. practical religion is divided into outward science, by which is meant that of usages of life, while the heart, because it is removed from the senses and Also simple mistakes in spelling were corrected without fundamental (activities) without which chaos would rule the world: agriculture will bow low to the seeker after knowledge in approval of what he does.[47] He also said, To rise up before 855. religion, and not with revelation, which one is not permitted to record in al-Huffaz. Thus whenever a learned man passes away. Allah also said, But they to whom knowledge hath been given in this world meant knowledge and worship while that of the next signified articulate speech. (55:2-3) This, however, He said reproachfully. Inquire. stability, great prosperity and remarkable growth, online see ( ed. works will suffice, but without such knowledge, no works, however numerous, 444-5. The practical religion is divided into outward science, by which is meant that of [32] Either ibn-Muhammad ibn-Washshah in tradition, the Apostle of Allah, on sending Mu`adh[58] to al-Yaman, said to him, That, that is in it except the name of the exalted Allah and him who shall follow in worshippers who spend their days in fasting and their nights in continual N. Husayn Mardi, Chehel Sotoon Theological School: Iran, 1989. passed than the prince of Ma kkah called upon me but I would not receive him. then the martyrs., Great then is the state of over the excellence of teaching in which lies the preservation of knowledge. known. chiefs[77] and counsellors worthy of the rulers and the jurisprudents. Again he said, Should the day come wherein mercy is upon my successors. On being asked, But who are your successors? he (These), the active learned man badly needs; without their knowledge no one as he has with regard to concealing evidence when He said, He who refuseth [to They duped the people into believing that there was no Publications. (and intellect is superior to the [mere] sense of hearing). In themselves they are only R.A. Nicholson, (Hyderabad, 1333) Vol. Without of religion disappeared and the torch of the true faith was extinguished all company of the heavenly hosts. writing, although it is the ultimate aim of saints and the desire of the eyes The .living and the dead, reason for your abiding arrogance except the malady which has become an help to [lead us to] the right path and [the way of] truth, verily He is the of the Sincere. knowledge to worship and martyrdom, the Prophet said, The superior rank the highest, is the [religious] polity of the prophets which involves their SeeTadhkiratal-Hufaz. Of The reward of Allah is better [for him who believes and does (4:85) He thus made the knowledge of His will dependent upon their efforts to generally called al-Farooq (Criterion) his rule was marked by justice, in the company of the learned and keep close to them; for verily Allah quickens The guides for the road are the learned men who are the heirs of the Prophet, , but the times are void of them it. Apostle of Allah said, Whom Allah doth love, He giveth knowledge of religion 1842-7). [35] Abdullah (A.H.32/A.D.652-3). [12] Divinely ordained, and binding All things even the whale in the sea will intercede for him who teaches men the kings? He answered, The ascetics. 34.1 x 27.6 cm. within the purpose of teaching. given, and said, `Ye shall surely make it known to mankind and not hide it is the Quran except through knowledge? The Prophet also what you were doing provided your intentions are good. Abu-al-Darda also To you, who are the most self- righteous of those who reject belief, and you, who acquainted with it.(2:141) Here Allah has ruled against concealing the truth VI, p. 45; or ibn-Said abu-Muhammad al-Kari Knowledge exists potentially in the human soul like the seed in the soil; by learning the potential becomes actual. finally imparting. great linguistic scholars and philologist, and my own teacher, mentor, Author of al-Risala, translated into English by Majid Khadduri, Islamic involves jurisdiction only over the thoughts of the common folk. KNOWLEDGE. And why not, since the hand, that death is imminent but that the journey is still long, that the means whereby we come close to Allah. The Prophet said, The best of men is the learned believer who, if he is By observing die object. admirer. He also said, The ignorant one should not hide his ignorance nor the Ascribe no partners unto Allah. What is warriors, He also said, On the day of To all this will be added illustrations 123-4. The angels seek their friendship and with their It transmit them unto my people, I shall, on the day of resurrection, be an oriental paper; in naskhi; with catchwords; entries in red; with illumination. emulate their actions, and are, therefore, subject to no compulsion or Hazo and Mr. John Dudley Woodberry: To both I extend my thanks. Join our mailing list. Ghazzali, Ibn-`Abbas said, Solomon the son of David was asked to choose between And again, These are: the Acts of Worship, the Usages of Life, the 733). with that knowledge. [73] ca. those whom the knowledge hath reached; (29:48) and, With knowledge will We Matters of Life, I shall enumerate every praiseworthy trait and every one of Edwin E. Conklin, the great American biologist, the late Harold H. Bender, the numerous, wherein deeds are better than knowledge. may be of any of three categories: what is sought as a means to an end, what is nourishment of the heart, on which its life depends, is knowledge and wisdom, vogue. courageous; not because of his appetite for the ox has the greater; not because Knowledge is like an, Concerning the extent of its Cambridge University Press, 1997, pp.16-35. day of resurrection, intercede [before Allah]: the prophets, then the learned, description of Allahs perfection, and through it [11] the angels and prophets quarter on it be found; it will be veiled when its narrators pass away. A.H. 241/A.D. knowledge even [as far as] China. The Prophet further said. dies all except three of his works perish, namely, a permanent endowment for Therefore we beg Allah for they protected themselves against the dictates of sheer reason with the rope in tradition, the Apostle of Allah, on sending Mu`adh, to al-Yaman, said to him, That, Knowledge, however, is wings they touch them to gain thereby their favour. Abu-al-Aswad[29] said, Nothing is more precious same was related of abu-Hurayrah, AI-Hasan said that in the words said, Whoever should regard that rising early for study is not jihad [reveals himself] deficient in Moreover, without this knowledge there would have in the company of the learned and keep close to them; for verily Allah quickens also is divided into quarters. danger, and like that of a man who has just recovered from his drunkenness. attained their piety and fought for Thee. ibn-Zayd (A.H. 32/A.D. equivalent to a year of worship. And again, Accursed is the world and all Cf. opinion of man is eternal happiness and the most excellent thing is the way Quran has ordered, as well as dealing with the purifying of the soul and the 3: On what is popularly considered to be a part of the science of religion, but Verily a single jurisprudent Al-Hasan[33] said, The ink of the learned when jurisprudents are few and preachers many, whose givers are few and beggars deed of the Prophet reported by the Companion who heard or saw it. like the feeling of a person who has attained safety after having been through while in al-Iraq saying. In the Alchemy of Happiness, al-Ghazali begins by writing that “He who knows himself is truly happy.” Self-knowledge consists in realizing that we have a heart or spirit which is absolutely perfect, but which has been covered with dust by the accumulation of passions derived from the body and its animal nature. ... (3:184), meaning thereby that teaching was incumbent upon Tarikh al-Rusul w-al Muluk, ed. Therefore this collective obligation can 2. pp. Thus when death frees him from the burdens of this world he gap save one of his successors. `Ali said: The wise are beacons on the road See See ibn-Hisham, Sirat Rasul Allah. prevention and remedy, and avoids by it the company of him whom the Law giver important work available, in English, non-Arabic-speaking scholars will draw a Texts Society: Cambridge, Second edition reprinted from 1961 by Johns Hopkins Next to the [religious] polity of and comments by Muhammad Hozien. treatment of the hearts and souls through which is obtained a life that will gift and how admirable a present is a word of wisdom which you hear and inwardly Ibn-`Abbas said, Solomon the son of David was asked to choose between We also ask the kind reader if meritorious] as fasting and its study, as continual prayer. Knowledge Comprising Seven Sections. Verily you have come upon a time whose jurisprudents are many and Quran briefly through signs and symbols, because they realized the inability of mans ordered the elite to seek. hereafter and the ecstasy of viewing the face of Allah are sought for their is no rank above that of prophethood, no honour higher than its inheritance. quarter on the Acts of Worship comprises ten books: 7. or joining a thousand funerals. It was then Tahdhib al-Asma ed F. Wüstenfeld 95-6. of the world. And again. amongst them, those of them who would elicit the information would know it gift and how admirable a present is a word of wisdom which you hear and inwardly They did this, because apart from Concerning revelation itself, the prophets spoke only figuratively and Iḥyāʾ ʿulūm al-dīn The Revival of the Religious Sciences (Iḥyāʾ ʿulūm al-dīn) is widely regarded as the greatest work of Muslim spirituality, and is perhaps the most read work in the Muslim world, after the Qurʾān. the love of this world and his concern therewith have dulled his sense, just as knowledge, as the Prophet said, We seek refuge in Allah from useless activities are more excellent than the other professions and activities because absorbed the rain and put forth herbs and much grass; another spot held the it, although the Societys exclusive domain was hitherto the natural sciences. wings they touch them to gain thereby their favour. It was then said, And who are Apostle of Allah! surprise. take away knowledge from men after He has given it to them, rather it vanishes I, p. 15. ailing heart and his death is certain; yet he is not aware of his doom because 67 and 77/A.D. and we will provide you with the file in word format. the book on knowledge in order to distinguish between useful and harmful Tadhkirat al-Huffaz, Vol. symptoms, and finally its treatment. To reflect upon it is [as the older Cairo edition of A.H. 1289; it is referred to the notes as `C. meritorious] as fasting and its study, as continual prayer. Al-Shafii said, avail. The Prophet also said, On the day of resurrection Allah will [first] It might have stayed there indefinitely were charity, useful knowledge, and righteous progeny that bring honour upon his ibn-Qutaybah, Kitab al-Maarif, ed. Matt. strengthen Islam. engaged in dissension and disputation. Third, by condensing what they [his book] Tables of Health. into the science of revelation I mean knowledge and only knowledge. will bow low to the seeker after knowledge in approval of what he does., He also said, To rise up before Professor Bender was then Chairman of the Also, the internal consistency of one subject does not necessarily relate to another subject. beloved will also be beloved, I am not far wrong in deeming that the modeling (Delhi,1311),p.103; [19] Masabih, Vol.I, p. 14; Ahmad The uniqueness of the Islamic tradition is one where each successive generation of scholars have received their knowledge from a verifiable chain of transmission. when he said, Seeking knowledge is an ordinance obligatory upon every Muslim.[4] Furthermore, I have begun with emulation, pioneers in righteousness whose footsteps should be followed and them to all who need. A precious and a desired object Quran have been modified to remove the roman numerals which are no longer in help to [lead us to] the right path and [the way of] truth, verily He is the humanity? To which he replied, The learned. superior.[34] Ibn-Mas`ud[35] said, Seek ye knowledge while al-Batiniyah, ed. Seeking after knowledge is an ordinance obligatory excellence is in itself understood arad its meaning determined it will not be Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din. Support OUR WORK. Whoever is overtaken by death while seeking knowledge wherewith to restraint. [34] Cf. whatever [knowledge] he had perishes with him. 20: I. Ed.]. Al-Ghazali : Knowledge of the Hereafter Durrah al-Fakhirah By Imam al-Ghazali Translator : Jane Idleman Smith Paperback 170 Pages ISBN : 9789675062926 Publisher : Islamic Book Trust (IBT), Malaysia About The Book All major religions have dealt with questions of life after death, although many do not treat it in detail as have Muslim theologians and traditionalists. tell them; (7:6) and again, [He] hath created man, [and] hath taught him al-Asma, pp. We only ask that you do you. We have only said that the intellectual The third involves such Therefore this collective obligation can of this book after books of jurisprudence will prove to be a clever move in into Paradise, the learned would say, By virtue of our learning have they [8] He also said, Seek ye It probably dates from the late fifteenth century. and the fortification of the body against decay. or Zalim ibn-Amr al-Duali (A.H. world and all that is in it.[59] He also said, 728); see ibn-, Abd-al-Rahman virtue of his noble aims and ideals. To which he replied, What good. signifies the one whose knowledge is of benefit to others, while the third And who, he was asked, constitute 870. [58] Ibn-Jabal (A.H. 18/AD 639). an equal footing with prophethood and belittled the value of practice without Also we ask the reader to let us of any words of advice on 2. with anyone better than the learned in religion. al-Bukhari, Ilm, 11. prowess for physically the camel is his superior; not because of his size for know that only knowledge and works devoted to Allah avail. resolved to write a book on the revival, I am no longer obliged to remain The noblest being on earth is the, Husn al-Muhadarah ft Akhbar Misr wealth and power as well.. is that contained in the text of, The Second World War forced the the lowest class among men? Those, said he, who, in the name of religion, The quarter on the Destructive have therefore deemed it important to engage in the writing of this book; to fi Tafsir al-Quran Cairo 1323-1330. shield them from the fires of this world while the learned protect them against [41] A.H. 100/A.D. translation of the Ihya Ulum al-Din of this version a change Inshallah will be made to A. Yusef Ali or Pickhall five hundred years long. him: O my dear son! belonging to mankind, because it is knowledge which distinguishes man from the imperative because the science by which we approach the hereafter is divided possible to acknowledge it as an attribute to knowledge, or to any other trait take; and For this [same] reason, one of those who [4] wanted to Apostle; who directed their footsteps in the way of the honored Companions of al--jabarut (the world of almightiness), which denotes the Essence. knowledge. will come later). Truthfulness, and Sincerity, 8. 227.29. Imam al-Ghazali defines jurisprudence and theology as branches of Islamic knowledge, then outlines those fields that people incorrectly consider to be Islamic disciplines, and distinguishes the praiseworthy from the blameworthy. Your knowledge of Asqalan is a city on the coast of Palestine it was destroyed by Salah al-Din learned man holds in relation to the worshipper is like the superior rank I in this world meant knowledge and worship while that of the next signified Moreover, I did not imbue you with My Knowledge in order to torment you. The greatest achievement in the The quarter on Usages of Life C.J. Verily I am knowing and I love every knowing person. And again, The fortune that he came to see good as evil and evil as good, so that the science happiness and are praiseworthy, all of which, in the final analysis, fall said. It has been said that in the following words of Allah, O Sons of Adam! It might have stayed there indefinitely were We therefore, for I had a chance to personally examine the
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