How would your life and lifestyle change as a result? To ask questions, call the voicemail line 810-309-8445 or email us at tprfans at yahoo dot com. There are a lot of misconceptions surrounding it, and many churches’ classes simply don’t offer couples enough . **Changes you would like your partner to make. Hank Davis and Rebecca Ryder discuss Seeking Approval on this edition of Relationship Hot Topics (An Open Letter To Women). In making your best efforts to make good use of these sessions, you are helping to increase the chances that you will successfully achieve your goals in therapy. Join writer and former professional athlete Hank Davis, Rebecca Ryder, Big Mike, XD and others from TPE Network as they discuss topics relating to relationships, dating, marriage, divorce, love and sex. Deeper and long-lasting love, trust, and commitment actually take a lot of work to achieve and maintain. How do these relationships have an impact on your current relationship? Don't miss this hilarious battle of the sexes as the cast from TPE Network bring the funny! Is one parent much more actively involved with relating to your child/ children? To what degree are your sexual energies diverted away, or displaced from your partner onto another outlet or focus? Follow CSBF to never miss another show. Are our bad spending habits … Considering the high divorce rates all over the world, marriage becomes more and more essential for the survival of mankind. Stay tuned past the show's ending to hear a hilarious outtake from the show. When it comes to sex, there are countless types of lovers for all different reasons; how it feels, who you are having sex with, what positions are preferred, what kind of sex you prefer, the reasons why you enjoy it, … Do you have significant differences with regard to how committed you are to maintaining this relationship? Does one wear a seat belt in a car, and the other doesnât? Don't miss this hilarious battle of the sexes as the cast from TPE Network bring the funny! Don't miss this hilarious battle of the sexes as the cast from TPE Network bring the funny! Be sure to give us your thoughts on the show topic. All this and more on this weeks edition of Relationship Hot Topics! I am a graduate of a three-year, full-time, post-masterâs degree psychotherapy training program. On this edition of Male Feelings Matter Hank, Big Mike, and sexologist Taylor Puck discuss dating preferences. What could you do to help yourselves in this regard? How can you tell? On this edition of Relationship Hot Topics Hank Davis and Rebecca Ryder discuss compromise. On this edition of Relationship Hot Topics Hank Davis and Rebecca Ryder discuss The Chore of Sex. **Practical arrangements you have made, or need or want to make, in the event of the (sudden) disability or death of your partner? AIDS stigma, prejudice against people with HIV+ and AIDS; Anti-homosexual attitudes, societal attitudes against homosexuality; Anti-LGBT rhetoric, themes, catchphrases, and slogans which have been used to condemn homosexuality or to demean homosexuals **How compatible or incompatible are the two of you with regard to your health and eating habits, and bodily care and hygiene? How much do you share and talk about your dreams with your partner? Stay tuned past the show's ending to hear if there are any hilarious outtakes from this episode. How do your different lifestyle choices, decisions, and priorities affect your relationship? There's a TED Talk to cover just about every topic, so of course, I turned to TED Talks about marriage to find out more about marriage, relationships, love and everything in between. What's the best way to get over a break up? What problems do you have together over these kinds of issues? Stay tuned past the show's ending to hear if there are any hilarious outtakes from this episode. For example, some partners clash over the use (or overuse) of computers and Smart Phones. The cast from deliver a fun yet informative take on love. Details About Us. On this edition of Relationship Hot Topics Hank Davis and Rebecca Ryder discuss stalkers. Be sure to give us your thoughts on the show topic. How coordinated and âon the same pageâ are you with regard to how you raise and relate to your child/ children? Who is more apt to be angry over the break up? Are there more unsatisfied men or women out there? **If you live together, how comfortable and satisfied are you with the sharing of household responsibilities? My goal is to create an atmosphere where women feel safe to share their marriage experiences, find encouragement and affirm … Be sure to give us your thoughts on the show topic. To what degree are your relationship roles and expectations affected by being either a man or a woman? Stay tuned past the show's ending to hear if there are any hilarious outtakes from this episode. Where are the new make-out spots? And while I can’t answer any of these questions for you, effective communication in marriage and compromise are keys. Are preferences just a nice way of discriminating against people? For example: wills; advanced medical directives; beneficiary accounts; life, long-term care, and disability insurance; funeral arrangements. Be sure to give us your thoughts on the show topic. Do you eventually let go of the anger you have for someone? This list is not meant to be comprehensive. Why not be honest and figure out how to enjoy sex? I’m so nervous. Don't miss this hilarious battle of the sexes as the cast from TPE Network bring the funny! Hank Davis and Rebecca Ryder discuss Once A Cheater Always A Cheater on this edition of Relationship Hot Topics (An Open Letter To Women). For each of the following statements decide if you feel that in regards to a marriage that this practice is … On this edition of Relationship Hot Topics Hank Davis and Rebecca Ryder discuss Grudges. Stay tuned past the show's ending to hear if there are any hilarious outtakes from this episode. Stay tuned past the show's ending to hear if there are any hilarious outtakes from this episode. How much do you know about your own and your partnerâs inner world? Be sure to give us your thoughts on the show topic. Similarities and differences with regard to your child-rearing practices, philosophies, and goals. How much do you see eye-to-eye in the ways in which you discipline, guide, and support your child/ children? To ask questions, call the voicemail line 810-309-8445 or email us at tprfans at yahoo dot com. Don't miss this hilarious battle of the sexes as the cast from TPE Network bring the funny! Below I have listed a number of topics and issues (not in any particular order) that you and your partner could consider talking about in couple sessions. Don't miss this hilarious battle of the sexes as the cast from TPE Network bring the funny! I am a state licensed Marriage and Family Therapist and a state Certified Addiction Professional (CAP). Below are recent professional articles on Psychotherapy and other topics. In my view, the more comprehensive you are in what you bring up for consideration, exploration, and discussion in couple sessions, the more you will get out of the overall process. I hope they are helpful to you 1. **The role(s) of individual friends (That is, friends of only one partner.) So we had a chat and were both on board to fix what’s broken. By Lawrence Kaufman, Florida Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) 561-302-0568 Do you have the sense that the two of you are growing at about the same rate or pace emotionally and psychologically â or is there a widening gap between the two of you? What would you like to do more of, or less of, or do differently? On this edition of Relationship Hot Topics Hank Davis and Rebecca Ryder discuss living together before marriage. All this and more on this weeks edition of Relationship Hot Topics! How long should someone pay for their mistakes? Satan’s first attack on the image of God was to destroy the image-bearers’ relationship with Him. How compatible are the two of you with regard to preferring more alone time or together time? Stay tuned past the show's ending to hear a hilarious outtake from the show. Do you truly know your mate until you live together? How much conflict do the two of you have over your differences in this regard? **To what degree have you planned for your retirement? Does having dating preferences make you shallow? Marriage communication is one of the most important factors in keeping a peaceful relationship. Do people really get dumped because they are missing a check box? To what extent do you have separate or joint financial accounts, resources, and budgets? **To what extent have you prepared (emotionally, financially, etc.) Why do women fake it? How much, or how little, quality time do you actually spend with one another? To ask questions, call the voicemail line 810-309-8445 or email us at tprfans at yahoo dot com. All this and more on this weeks edition of Relationship Hot Topics! for your future together and alone? How do you move forward without holding on to the past? All this and more on this weeks edition of Relationship Hot Topics! On this edition of Relationship Hot Topics Hank Davis and Rebecca Ryder discuss: Does Size Matter? All this and more on this weeks edition of Relationship Hot Topics! **The effects on you, and your partner, of previous marriages and other important romantic relationships in your life. 7301 W Palmetto Park Road, Suite 201A, Boca Raton FL 33433-3456 The presenters consider God at work through the love of husband and wife, through the family, and in marriage through love and community. Call 224-412-5789 today for more information! On this edition of Relationship Hot Topics Hank Davis and Rebecca Ryder discuss money. If a couple doesn't agree on how many children to have is that a deal breaker? To ask questions, call the voicemail line 810-309-8445 or email us at tprfans at yahoo dot com. What are the things (large and small) that you would miss the most about your partner if he or she suddenly died or left you? (As with affairs, pornography, masturbation, or paraphilias [formerly called perversions]). Stay tuned past the show's ending to hear if there are any hilarious outtakes from this episode. This topic contains a lot of hidden peculiarities for further studying, which makes it a unique topic to write about. Ultimately, you and your partner are a team, and you should present a united front when any inter-family arguments arise. (Does one or both of you âhave one foot out the doorâ?) Is there a way to break up without all the drama? For one thing, vacation time from work is often very limited, so varying opinions regarding the best way to spend the time can create rifts. If you insult your spouse your relationship becomes cold and … To ask questions, call the voicemail line 810-309-8445 or email us at tprfans at yahoo dot com. Don't miss this hilarious battle of the sexes as the cast from TPE Network bring the funny! Does one partner drive a car in a much more cautious and safe way than the other? Don't miss this hilarious battle of the sexes as the cast from TPE Network bring the funny! Do women bend more than men? Be sure to give us your thoughts on the show topic. Somewhere in the world right now, there’s a couple arguing about one of the topics I’ll discuss. Would you put your jacket over a mud puddle for someone to walk across? **The smaller interactions of daily life (often so much in the background, and taken for granted, that you are not particularly aware of when they occur) that make your life together so much enjoyable, secure, and meaningful â or miserable, unsatisfying, or frustrating. Do men fake it? Have you ever had the experience of not being clear about what you and your partner could/ would talk about in a couple session? **Differences you might have with regard to psychological âmindedness,â capacities, or motivations. Couples leave with real … Are men selfish? Be sure to give us your thoughts on the show topic. **The most significant, meaningful, and âshapingâ experiences you have had in your lifetime â externally (in relationship to your partner, family members, friends, and others) and internally (within yourself â especially on an emotional level) in the past. **The circumstances of how the two of you first met, what first attracted you to one another, what didnât you like about one another, how you became serious with one another, and how you decided to make some form of commitment to one another. On this edition of Relationship Hot Topics Hank Davis and Rebecca Ryder discuss Bad Break Ups. Marriage and a happy family life are almost universal goals for young adults. Be sure to give us your thoughts on the show topic. Hank and Rebecca share their personal stalker stories plus give you plenty of outtakes and more on this weeks edition of Relationship Hot Topics! (Note: In my view, most of what happens in the mind is below the level of consciousness.) However, research topics still need to do enough research and gather a lot of data and facts from reliable sources in order to complete their research paper. The challenge seems to … 143 likes. **How good and satisfying (or not) is your shared sex life? How much does each one of you know about the unconscious images, stories, and hidden memories, wishes, fears, and fantasies contained in your dream life? How can a couple cut through the confusion and make sure you cover the premarital counseling topics that matter most? Why buy the cow if you get the milk for free? **If you are not currently living together, how does this affect your relationship? To ask questions, call the voicemail line 810-309-8445 or email us at tprfans at yahoo dot com. Click here to review and print our Marriage Seminars Contract. This includes in-laws (or their equivalent) and a child or children from previous marriages/relationships. I have been helping individuals and couples for over thirty years. gay marriage, United States, Marriage. How come people can't move on? Marriage Topics. **How involved are you in the otherâs work life? Don't miss this hilarious battle of the sexes as the cast from TPE Network bring the funny! **Your different relationships and reactions to the technology interests of your partner. How much do you approve or disapprove of, are jealous of, resent, feel relieved or threatened by these relationships? What else would you like to do that you havenât done before? Be sure to give us your thoughts on the show topic. **How satisfied are you with your sex life? Unless you are empathetic about the feelings of your spouse your interaction with him\her cannot be exciting. Is compromising similar to taking it up the rear? Be sure to give us your thoughts on the show topic. How much are you motivated to know about these things? Do men fake it? Congratulations on your courage to take this challenging, yet highly rewarding interpersonal and intrapersonal (within yourself) journey of discovery. (That is, you may have very different â sometimes opposite â habits, attitudes, beliefs, and values that clash with one another, and are a challenge to live with on a day-to-day basis.) On this edition of Relationship Hot Topics Hank Davis and Rebecca Ryder discuss bitter people. 2. The Extraordinary Marriage Conference is a terrific follow-up to the Marriage Transformation event, and is based upon the simple question, “Why settle for good when you can experience great?” This conference challenges couples of all ages to resist the urge to “settle” and reach for their full potential. Topics, Issues, and Concerns You Can Explore in Couple Therapy Sessions. 2. **The effects of your childhood development, upbringing, and experiences â including the quality of the parenting you received, and the security of the emotional attachments you established â on your current relationship. **To what degree do you share mutual interests, hobbies, activities, passions, and personal philosophies? Stay tuned past the show's ending to hear if there are any hilarious outtakes from this episode. To ask questions, call the voicemail line 810-309-8445 or email us at tprfans at yahoo dot com. Answers to all your questions about being in a relationship. Sometimes people give us advice we want or don’t want in a marriage. From that list, I am sharing with you, few vibrant and balanced topics. ), is an excellent tool for couples who desire to revolutionize their marriage. Who is to blame when a couple can't have children? Be sure to give us your thoughts on the show topic. On this edition of Relationship Hot Topics Hank Davis and Rebecca Ryder discuss the premarital checklist. Important Topics and Issues to Talk About in Couple Therapy. To ask questions, call the voicemail line 810-309-8445 or email us at tprfans at yahoo dot com. How much does this affect your shared life together? **What is the impact of your differing (different) priorities with regard to the care and protection of your body? How do you feel about talking about these difficult, emotionally demanding, and often taboo subjects? Asked by: Jojodancer. You will become truly more intimate with one another as a result. I write on faith, marriage and motherhood. If applicable, what has been the impact on you of having been separated from your partner in the past? Marriage Hot Topics. But not all pre-marriage counseling is created equally. Should you step in and tell a couple they're getting a little too hot and heavy? How much do you trust one another with regard to money issues? Do men use chivalry to get sex? For those of you that have done it, what is it like? What things are on their list? On this edition of Relationship Hot Topics Hank Davis and Rebecca Ryder discuss Public Displays of Affection. **To what degree are the two of you âon the same pageâ with regard to how much you like/ prefer to stay at home or go out? is the #1 source for marriage information and advice. To ask questions, call the voicemail line 810-309-8445 or email us at tprfans at yahoo dot com. Having a comprehensive list of topics for research papers might make students think that the most difficult part of work is done. On this edition of Relationship Hot Topics Hank Davis and Rebecca Ryder discuss Double Standards & Gender Bias. Hank Davis and Rebecca Ryder discuss Dating Myths on this edition of Relationship Hot Topics (An Open Letter To Women). Why not be honest and figure out how to enjoy sex? Why do women fake it? How much money should each person in the relationship commit to bills? Facebook is showing information to help you better understand the purpose of a Page.
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