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6 life processes

6 life processes

Class 10 Chemistry Chapter 6 Important Questions with Answers Life Processes. It is muscular tube through which the collected urine passes into the urinary bladder. (b) mitochondria wall of intestine is richly supplied with blood vessels which take the absorbed food to each and every cell of the body. During the anaerobic respiration in the muscles the glucose is converted into lactic acid with the release of 2 ATP of energy. (d) Autotrophic nutrition, 3. Nutrients: Those substances which supply nourishment to living organisms from its surroundings and use it as an energy source or for biosynthesis of body constituents. You can refer to NCERT Solutions for Class 10 Science Chapter 6 Life Processes to revise the concepts in the syllabus effectively and improve your chances of securing high marks in your board exams. (a) Glycolysis: The conversion of glucose into pyruvate (or pyruvic acid) is called glycolysis. In the lungs each bronchi divides into a large number of thin tubes called bronchioles. (a) Stomach (b) anus Answer: Important life processes include nutrition, transportation, metabolism, respiration, reproduction, and excretion, which help in the maintenance of living organisms. → All the processes like respiration, digestion, which together keep the living organisms live and perform the job of body maintenance are called life processes. STUDY. Match. (i) The respiration which needs oxygen or occurs in the presence of oxygen is called aerobic respiration. 8. phloem. Show them with the help of a labelled diagrams. Thus, both the structures act as filtering apparatus. Hydrochloric acid in the stomach is used to make the medium acidic to facilitate the action of the enzyme pepsin and to kill germs if any. (c) Large intestine The standard book, fiction, history, novel, scientific research, as well as various supplementary With the formation of pyruvic acid, glycolysis comes to an end. Or Question 3. Answer: (c) Holozoic nutrition Bile does not contain any enyzme but it is essential for digestion because bile is alkaline and contain salts which helps to emulsify the fat present in the food. Answer: (b) Carbon dioxide + Water + Energy What is chlorophyll? Human respiratory system: The human respiratory system begins from nose cavities called nostrils. RBCs are produced at the foetal stage by the liver. Answer: Question 28. The living organism can be differentiated from the inanimate entities on various parameters of life processes. Deoxygenated blood: It is found in right auricle and right ventricle. Urea is removed/eliminated from the body through urine. Answer: It occurs is the part of vascular tissue known as pheloem. Question 1. Answer: (c) Mouth → stomach → oesophagus → smallintestine → large intestine (c) Absorption of vitamins. Question 7. In which forms do most plants absorb nitrogen? The function of epiglottis is to cover the mouth of trachea (or wind pipe) when we swallow food so that the food may not enter the trachea (or wind pipe). The release of water vapours in the atmosphere through the pores present on plant leaves, i.e., stomata, is called transpiration. Nutrition: The process by which the living organisms receive and utilise the food materials necessary for their survival, growth and repair of worn-out tissues is called nutrition. Bowman’s capsule and glomerulus have semipermeable walls. It produces heparin which does not allow the clotting of blood inside the blood vessels. On the contrary, prothrombin and fibrinogen help in formation of clot during an injury. A blood vessel which pumps the blood from the heart to the entire body: What is A.T.P.? Answer: Answer: Question 30. (d) Liver, 9. Write its main function. 6. Old worn-out RBC’s are broken down in liver cells. 1. Which part of root is involved in the exchange of respiratory gases in plants? All are parasites. Go to Ch -5-Periodic Classification of Elements. Go to Ch -7-Control and Coordination. (d) digestion, 10. 2. The right atrium receives venous (deoxygenated blood having very little O2) from the entire body through a superior and inferior vena cava. How can we tell living things from non-living? when living things use energy they produce waste. Salivary amylase (ptyalin). (b) Mouth → oesophagus → stomach → small intestine → large intestine Lymph nodes filter the blood and remove poisonous and foreign substances, e.g., bacteria, debris, etc. Now, the partially digested food enters from stomach into the small intestine’s wider part which is known as duodenum and the remaining part of the small intestine is termed as ileum. Answer: This mode of nutrition is called autotrophic nutrition. Question 32. At low temperature the activity of enzymes is lowered due to which the rate of photosynthesis is also low. (i) When we breathe in air, the diaphragm contracts which results in the increase in volume of chest cavity. Question 19. This process is called excretion. In this unit, we learn about basic life processes such as photosynthesis, nutrition, transportation and excretion. (b) complex proteins The basic life processes are nutrition, respiration, transportation, and excretion. Question 8. It takes place in grana of chloroplast. Define photolysis. Question 10. Water in the mesophyll cells of leaves (cells located below the stomata) is in contact with water or sap in xylem of leaf petiole, stem and root. Question 1. Answer: plants get energy from the sun, animals get nutrients by eating other living things. Question 14. (a) food vacuole (d) Chloroplast, 15. The basic life processes are – nutrition, respiration, transportation, and excretion. (d) Collenchyma, 19. (ii) Blood Corpusscles: They form about 45% of the blood composition. Or Answer: Growing. Question 30. Answer: Question 25. Air is present in between the particles of the soil. Even when you are not doing anything, your body keeps on functioning. Answer: How does respiration occur in the leaves? (c) starch What is the advantage of having four chambered heart? Use Energy. The ammonia is produced as a result of metabolism of amino acids. Class 10 Science Chapter 6 Important Questions with Answers Life Processes. As the blood passes through the tissues of the body, the oxygen from the blood diffuses into the cell, whereas the CO2 which is produced during respiration diffuses into the blood and is carried to the lungs. When old leaves fall, the waste materials are excreted along with the leaves. The opening of aorta is also guarded by a valve formed of 3 semilunar flaps. In which chamber of heart is oxygenated and deoxygenated blood found? Following differences are there in arteries and veins: Answer: 5. Answer: Answer: Fill in the Blanks Chlorophyll is a green coloured pigment found in the green leaves or green parts of the plant which traps solar energy for photosynthesis. Question 37. Inorganic compounds include potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium and their compounds in the wound form of phosphate, biocarbonate, sulphate, chloride, etc. State the function of epiglottis. They derive their nutrition from plants or animals without killing them. The glomerulus, is a tuft of capillaries contained in Bowman’s capsule. (iv) Light Intensity: When intensity of light increases it causes increase in temperature and decrease in atmospheric humidity which causes increased rate of transpiration. Visible light of the sun consists of seven colours-violet, indigo, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. Get Rid of Waste. Function of Blood The extensive network of veins enables quick transport of substances to and from the mesophyll cells. Describe the flow of blood through the heart of human beings. Answer: cells which plug the leakage in the vessels by helping to clot the blood at the point of injury. Opening and closing of stomata occurs due to turgor changes in guard cells. We begin with a whole-ocean point of view in which chemical differences between the sunlit upper ocean and the dark deep waters are interpreted by using a two-layer model. It is due to the reflection of green light by chlorophyll of the plants that the plants look green in colour. The roots take the oxygen by the. Question 27. and hence it is called sap. In CBSE board exams, most of the questions which are of higher difficulty level are taken from NCERT books. when organisms grow they use energy. What is the internal (cellular) energy reserve in autotrophs? (a) Ethanol + Carbon dioxide + Energy (d) It acts as carrier of hormones. (d) hippocampus, exocoetus, anabas, 23. Excellent. (a) diffusion Answer: (i) The following are the important functions of blood: Proximal and distal convoluted tubules. Question 36. Chlorophyll is present in cell organelles called chloroplasts. What makes red blood corpuscles red? They're all made by teachers who are experts in their field, so you can rest assured that the information is accurate and easy to use (and can help you save time on lesson planning too!) 2) Life processes :- Life processes are the basic processes in living organisms which are necessary for maintaining their life. These are only found in the mammals. Question 41. It consists of two steps: State the function of Bowman’s capsule and glomerulus. Answer: Question 22. Answer: Question 2. This is because even when an organism is asleep, various biological processes keep on occurring in its body which requires energy. (b) Kreb’s Cycle: It is the process of converting pyruvate into CO2 and H,O along with the release of considerable amount of energy. How is it formed? This movement helps the food to move towards the stomach. Maximum absorption occurs in small intestine because: Question 33. six life processes. Question 25. (v) Egestion: When a considerable amount of undigested food gets collected inside Amoeba, its cell membrane ruptures and throws out the undigested food. The site of photosynthesis in the cells of a leaf is 8. Question 43. Question 1. Which plant tissue transports water and min-erals from the roots to the leaf? In the absence of platelets, the process of clotting will be affected. Life Processes. Identify the correct path of urine in the human body. Answer: The water and dissolved substances (wastes and useful) are filtered into the Bowman’s capsule and from here they are filtered into the tubule. It is produced in the mitochondria during respiration in living organisms and also during photosynthesis in plants. The two auricles or atria are thin-walled and are separated from each other by a thin inter-atrial septum. (i) Humidity: There is an increase in transpiration when atmospheric humidity decreases, while transpiration decreases with increase in humidity. digestion is completed in small intestine. … Thus, transportation of sap from roots to the leaves at the top is called ascent of sap. State differences between artery, vein and capillary. Question 16. SO2 they require more energy. The contraction and expansion movements of the walls of food pipe are called peristaltic movements. Or You can remember these by using the acronym MRS NERG. The left smaller atrium receives oxygenated blood from the lungs through four pulmonary veins. Answer: Question 7. Answer: 3. (b) Small intestine (c) chloroplast What will happen if platelets were absent in the blood? (a) Lenticels What are the common features between all the respiratory organs? Food vacuole food through respiration. The mode of nutrition in Amoeba is holOzoic. Answer: Question 31. Heparin acts as anticoagulant in blood. Question 4. Answer: Question 42. i) Nutrition : is the process of taking food by an organism and its utilization by the body for life processes. Explain in brief with example. The respiratory pigment in human beings is: The energy is stored in the form of ATP. (ii) Digestion: The teeth helps in physical digestion of food. Function: The opening and closing of the stomatal pore is a function of the guard cell. what are peristalic movements? These MCQ Questions on Life Processes Class 10 with answers pave for a quick revision of the Chapter thereby helping you to enhance subject knowledge. Answer: It is slightly thicker than water and is slightly basic with a pH 7.3-7.4. (d) Kidneys, 26. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Question 12. Explain the nutrition process in an Amoeba. Define light reaction. Its main function is to transport the respiratory gases like oxygen due to increased affinity towards oxygen. Solving the Life Processes Multiple Choice Questions of Class 10 Science Chapter 6 MCQ can be of extreme help as you will be aware of all the concepts. (b) Holozoic nutrition When and where is it produced? Bile emulsifies the fat molecules present in the food into small globules. (c) haemoglobin Let us … Life Processes Class 10 Notes Biology . These substances are especially delivered to storage organs of roots, fruits, seeds and growing organs. Question 4. The body's functions are ultimately its cells' functions. Answer: 7. platelet How is peptic ulcer caused? Liver is the largest gland in human beings. Describe the importance of stomata in plant. (b) mitochondria Question 31. Question 20. . 2) Life processes :Life processes are the basic processes in living organisms which are necessary for maintaining their life. For respiration, in older roots, where root hair is not present, the exchange of gases takes place through lenticels (tiny openings in the protective layer) by the process of diffusion. Nitrates and nitrites. The exchange of gases between alveoli and blood takes place by the process of diffusion. Question 11. Thus, air from outside rushes into the lungs through nostrils, trachea and bronchi. Two main components of blood are: Both the ventricles are separated from each other by a thick inter-ventricular septum. Question 36. Autotrophic Nutrition: Some organisms use simple food materials obtained from inorganic sources in the form of carbon dioxide and water. What is urethra? Even when you are not doing anything, your body keeps on functioning. (d) protoplasm, 6. (a) fats Answer: Learn. The wall of alimentary canal contains muscle layers. Wich is the first enzyme to mix with food in the digestive system? Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. The human body is never idle, even if you are. Question 15. Question 12. (c) pseudopodia Or Question 6. . This is due to the conversion of pyruvate to lactic acid in the absence of oxygen. Why are white blood corpuscles called soldiers of the body? (d) evaporation, 20. Usually, in oesophagus there is no digestion of food. According to new CBSE Exam Pattern, MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science pdf Carries 20 Marks. The pancreatic enzyme trypsin starts digesting the proteins and the pancreatic amylase breaks down the starch. (d) Kidney → ureter → urinary bladder → urethra. The exchange of gases takes place through the stomata by the process of diffusion. Question 7. Respond to Change. (c) small intestine Or Activity 6.3 NCERT class 10 science chapter 6 Life processes. Answer: It is a pressure developed in the xylem due to metabolic activity of the root cells. Question 26. The major nitrogenous waste product in human beings is urea. The effects of life processes are felt in every chapter of this book. Answer: Our mission is to provide a free, world-class education to anyone, anywhere. Give reasons. Processes that take place in the duodenum are: Question 35. Osmoregulation is the maintenance of optimum concentration of water and salts in the body fluids. Name the various cells through which water moves upward to react the leaves. Starch. ………. Question 13. Students can solve NCERT Class 10 Science Life Process Multiple Choice Questions with Answers to know their preparation level. (c) Tubule Answer: Answer: Difference between Respiration and Combustion. This contraction pushes the air from the lungs into the trachea, nostrils and then out of the body into air. Life Processes.pptx - 6 Life Process IITian Bhaiya What is the Life \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 \u2022 Different ways to identify for Plant Animal Bacteria etc Conflict Though what conduction of water in plants takes place? (a) Tubule Looks at the seven life processes in a very simplified way. Question 19. (a) Parasitic nutrition The exit of food from the stomach is regulated by a ………. Answer: Kidney has two regions: outer cortex and inner medulla. (b) Proteins and mineral salts Anaerobic respiration in human beings: Question 6. Brief procedure: Activity asks us to take a starch solution in the test tube, treat it with saliva and … (ii) Carboxyhaemoglobin and as carbonic acid (CO2 dissolved in blood plasma). Answer: Transport of Excretory Materials: In body, by metabolic process many excretory products such as urea, etc., are formed. (iii) Absorption: Now, the food enters from duodenum into ileum part of small intesntine where millions of finger-like projections known as villi are present which absorb the food. The slightly digested food, enters into the stomach through the alimentary canal. During this respiration glucose is broken down into ethyl alcohol and CO2 with the release of very small amount of energy. In the outer part i.e., cortex of kidney. Life Process in One-Shot | CBSE Class 10 Science (Biology) Chapter 6 | Vedantu Class 9 and 10. Give the role of liver in the human beings. But how we decide whether something is living or non-living depends on 7 life processes.If something is living it will carry out the 7 life processes below. Question 20. It converts starch into sugar at pH of 7. Although her name sounds a bit strange, the letters in it stand for the life processes - movement, reproduction, sensitivity, nutrition, excretion, respiration and growth. LIFE PROCESSES 93 CHAPTER 6 In Glycolysis, glucose (a simple carbohydrate) is split into two molecules of pyruvic acid. This indicates that rice water contains: Haemoglobin. Life processes are the basic processes in living organisms which are necessary for maintaining their life. MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science with Answers was Prepared Based on Latest Exam Pattern. Bile juice secreted by the liver and bicarbonate ions secreted by the duodenal wall makes the medium alkaline. NCERT Solutions for Class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12. Lymph nodes produce and maintain the lymphocytes of blood. Answer: The right ventricle pumps venous blood into lungs by a pulmonary aorta. In this chapter we introduce the methods by which chemical tracers have been used to determine biological fluxes. Write. (d) Ureter, 25. Question 5. This movement pushes the food in forward direction in the alimentary canal. 6. air-passage does not collapse (d) anal sphincter, 12. Write down four factors affecting transpiration process. Question 21. Which one will live longer? It is in the alveoli where exchange of gases takes place. Glucose, amino acids, salts, etc., are reabsorbed by the tubular cells and then secreted into the capillary blood cells by diffusion. Question 32. Class 10 Science Chapter 6 Life Processes Notes - PDF Download Life Processes Class 10 Notes are prepared by our panel of highly qualified teachers who follow strict CBSE guidelines to get rid of any confusion among children regarding the content of the course … Which is the largest gland in the human body? Just tell us who you are to view your results ! Haemoglobin is a red coloured pigment found in red blood cells. In pulmonary vein, oxygenated blood from lungs is transported to left atrium of the heart. State the functions of the following components of transport system: Name the organs of excretory system in human. Question 40. (ii) Is green light most or least useful in photosynthesis and why? The mode of nutrition found in fungi is: (a) chloroplast Body Functions & Life Process Body Functions. Pleura. With the formation of pyruvic acid, glycolysis comes to an end. They produce antibodies against antigens, and antitoxins against toxins. Life processes class 10 is a detailed version of different processes carried out by plants and animals. (c) Xylem From the oesophagus the food enters into the stomach. Question 12. The factors which affect the rate of photosynthesis are light, water, temperature and carbon dioxide. (c) Ureter It is called inanimate part of blood because it lacks blood corpuscles. Answer: Draw the diagram of alimentary canal of man and label the following parts: Mouth, Oesophagus, Stomach, Intestine Leaves have tiny opening on their lower surface called stomata. Free PDF Download of CBSE Class 10 Science Chapter 6 Life Process Multiple Choice Questions with Answers. The blood reaching the tissues has higher concentration of oxygen than in the cells so it gets diffused into the cells. Why does absorption of digested food occur mainly in the small intestine? What is chyme? Answer: Mechanism of gaseous exchange during respiration: The oxygen is carried by blood to all the parts of the body. Their haemoglobin is changed into bile pigments. This sap moves upwards due to the ‘transpiration pull’ developed in the xylem elements. It is a hydrostatic pressure developed in the root system that pumps the water or sap in the root xylem. Answer: It regulates the volume of blood to some extent. During this type of respiration, glucose is broken down into carbon dioxide and water with the release of considerable amount of energy. Breaking of pyruvate using oxygen takes place in the ………. What is the role of intercostal muscles in respiration and where are these found? Renin. 6. air-passage does not collapse 7. platelet 8. phloem. Introduction Life. (c) peristaltic movement Question 26. Eg. Question 45. Leaves provide large surface area for maximum light absorption. (c) dialysis This causes increase in transpiration. The phenomenon of breaking down of water molecule using solar energy absorbed by chlorophyll molecules is known as photolysis. The trachea runs down the neck and divides into two tubes called bronchi. 1. Name the correct substrates for the following enzymes: Question 17. Answer: (i) Ingestion: Through the help of mouth human beigns ingest food. Pancreas secretes pancreatic juice which contains enzymes like amylase, trypsin and lipase. The breakdown of pyruvate to give carbon di-oxide, water and energy takes place in What is compensation point? Question 15. (iv) Assimilation: Amoeba cell obtains energy from the absorbed (ii) Lymph. Golgi body. (a) cytoplasm Answer: The two auricles (atria) are separated from the ventricles by two apertures guarded by membranous valves. Answer: Their functions are: Question 34. Describe internal structure of a human heart. Study the given diagram: Name the parts ‘A’ and ‘B’ and state one function of each. Answer: (c) Bowman’s capsule Here the digestive enzymes are amylase, maltose and invertase for digesting the carbohydrates, trypsin for proteins and lipase for fats. (a) Lactic acid + Energy In the woody and hard stems of big plants, the exchange of gases takes place through lenticels which are present on the bark of the stem. Plants have low energy needs as compared to animals. Why do the walls of trachea not collapse when there is less air in it? Why is blood circulation in human heart called double circulation? (ii) Digestion: Various enzymes from the cytoplasm enter into the food vacuole and break them down into simple soluble molecules. RBCs present in blood have haemoglobin which bind with O2 and form oxyhaemoglobin. The valve separating right atrium from right ventricle is called right atrio-ventricular valve or tricuspid valve made up of three flaps. This process, which is called respiration, can be done using the gas oxygen. Answer: What is root pressure? (d) chloroplast. When a food particle approaches Amoeba, it forms pseudopodia around it and forms a food vacuole inside the Amoeba. (d) simple proteins, 11. Thus, there is no net uptake of gases from the environment. (b) capillary Chapter-6, Life Processes, The following page provides you NCERT book solutions for Class 10 SCIENCE, SCIENCE Class 10 notes in pdf are also available in the related links between the texts. Explain the mechanism of gaseous exchange between tissues and blood. Oxygen liberated during photosynthesis comes from water. (d) None of these, 5. In the stem of herbaceous plants, stomatas are present. Answer: (a) Saprotrophic nutrition Question 38. Each one can also Grow, Respire (release energy), Excrete (get rid of waste from its body) and get or make food by a process called Nutrition. Answer: Functions of lymph nodes are: Question 18. Reproduce. Question 4. Answer: This oxyhaemoglobin breaks down into O2 and haemoglobin in tissues. The procedure used for cleaning the blood of a person by separating urea from it is called: Name the pores in a leaf through which respi-ratory exchange of gases takes place. Body functions are the physiological or psychological functions of body systems. Question 11. Answer: Life Processes. White blood corpuscles engulf (phagocytose) the foreign matter (bacteria, dust and other foreign material) entering the body, and are hence called soldiers. All the respiratory organs are thin-walled for easy diffusion of gases and substances. (c) It carries waste product for excretion. Transport of Nutritive Materials: Nutritive materials absorbed by intestine transported to tissues by plasma. When the rate of photosynthesis is equal to rate of respiration, it is called as compensation point. How do carbohydrates, proteins and fats get digested in human beings? Justin_Harper2. Write the name of enzyme present in saliva and tell what function it has Green plants and some bacteria. Answer: Breathing in air is called inhalation and breathing out air is called exhalation. Presence of numerous stomata for gaseous exchange. Mouth opens into a small funnel-shaped area called pharynx which leads to a long tube called oesophagus, whose wall is highly muscular. 7. When the slightly digested food enters into oesophagus the contraction and expansion movement of its wall, takes place, which is known as peristaltic movement. In anaerobic respiration, one molecule of oxygen produces only 2ATP of energy. (iii) Absorption: The simple soluble food is absorbed by cytoplasm of Amoeba from food vacuoles through the process of diffusion. Answer: (b) Nephron Common features between all the respiratory organs are: The mechanism of gaseous exchange between tissues and blood is as follows: Question 3. Answer: Name two organisms in which food material is broken down outside the body and absorbed. Small intestine Question 14. Which of the following are energy foods? Respiration › Excretion › Plants and animals use various ways to get rid of the waste materials from their body. Answer: We hope the given MCQ Questions for Class 10 Science Life Process with Answers will help you. Which part of nephron allows the selective reabsorption of useful substances like glucose, amino acids, salts and water into the blood capillaries? Question 29. This allows a highly efficient supply of oxygenated blood to all parts of the body. Transport of Gases: Blood transports gases like bind O2 and CO2. CBSE Class 10 Science Notes Chapter 6 Life Processes Biology Pdf free download is part of Class 10 Science Notes for Quick Revision. Each bronchi is connected to a lung. They are movement, respiration, growth, reproduction, excretion and nutrition. Water into the root hairs and reaches all other cells of the plant forms food! Light of the soil proteins to convert them into peptones  blue, green plants use autotrophic mode of an. Of taking food by an organism even during sleep body into air 6 life processes pigment found in red blood.... 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